Wednesday, January 4, 2012

30-Day Challenge:: Yarn Bombing

It happens in the best of neighborhoods. Hell, it happens in my neighborhood. This isn't exactly my hood, but close enough. I was on my way to having dinner with friends when I ran into this and a few other examples in the Hyde Park area. What is it about seeing fiber out in the environment that speaks to those of us who work with fabric and yarn? Is it like running into an old friend and suddenly feeling that much more at ease because it's familiar? Or do we secretly hope that the rest of them(you know the non-fiber loving muggles) will see this display, catch on, and realize how terrific hand crafted can be?
Maybe we can push them in that direction if we call their attention to this amazing DIY site.


  1. i have yarn bombs in my neighborhood a lot! i like them when i see them but then i'm worried about what it will look like after some wear and weather.

  2. Hyde Park in -- Chicago? No, I guess not. Where in Texas are you?

  3. We did this on our wooded property a couple of winters ago. We wrapped downed trees as opposed to knitting. It doesn't look quite as neat now, but seeing the unwrappings blowing in the wind and wild mushrooms growing through the yarn is a new kind of cool. The adjoining neighbors didn't know what hit them!
    Loving your challenge, too!

  4. Here it gets more and more popular as a form of street art. It is really lovely to see some colours in a grey winter city!

  5. Living near Berkeley, I see a lot of yarn bombs, but I never get tired of them. Always fun to discover a new one.

  6. this is awesome. I'm loving your 30 day challenge!
