Monday, April 2, 2012

Scrap Box Blocks

This morning I was at Stitch Lab teaching a one student. That might seem like a bit of a bummer, but, in actuality, a couple things made it otherwise.
The first thing that made today's class into an opportunity was the fact that teaching one student means that I can sew along with that student. Once I give instruction, there's really no reason why I shouldn't work on a project too. In fact, it makes for a more social class. We sew. We talk. We sew some more.
Knowing that I only had one student, I came prepared with a project in mind. I also brought some fabric, though, truth be told, I am at Stitch Lab, and could purchase yards and yards worth of great fabric. Instead, I decided to rely on the fabric I brought with maybe a supplement or two from the communal scrap box we keep at the lab.
I'm thinking that today's scrap box blocks should become a new mini quilt.

The other thing that made this morning's class so wonderful was the student herself. Now, most students are super enthusiastic and fun, but this gal was all that and an amazing inspiration as a person. She works for Green Doors and helps folks who are homeless "achieve independent living." Just listening to her talk about the work she does with children and adults who are struggling just to be and sensing the real love she has for the people she encounters was enough to make for a beautiful morning. Add some sewing to that and...people, we have nirvana.


  1. Sounds like you were hanging out with a friend instead of teaching a class :) I love that block, it's really cool!

  2. That is the kind of morning you can cherish. I just bought 2 of your prints --the only two that I found at Pink Chalk Studios. I was ordering a border fabric to match a quilt I'm doing when I spied them. I see the green on is in the scrap quilt you were working on.
    I love your fabric!

  3. do you have a pattern for this?? I LOVE it!!

  4. Oh, um, yeah -- what Sandra said! I'm sure I could figure it out, but A) I think it's tacky to copy a published pattern and B) I'm lazy.

  5. I third that! I'd love to know how to make these beautiful blocks!

  6. I have just discovered your blog and I love your color selections. THey make me smile!
