Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Inspiration may be correlated to perspiration

...I say that because I just spent Memorial Day weekend in Houston and Galveston where it is decidedly more humid than I'm used to in Austin. Now, don't get me wrong, I had a terrific time, saw some incredible things, and even photographed a few of those, but it was a wee bit warm.
I'm not sure you all know this, but I spent a fair amount of my childhood in Houston with more than the occasional trip to Galveston, so this is not exactly unfamiliar territory, but this time I went with folks who hadn't really been much to either places. This made for a new experience both for them and me.
As we neared the seawall in Galveston, I told them about my tradition of waving to the waves and, being the good sports that they are, they obliged me with hearty waves as we caught sight of the Gulf of Mexico.This brought back sweet memories for me and, hopefully, started a silly tradition for them. I'm a big believer in pointless, silly traditions.
Our trip included a day at Moody Gardens in Galveston. For those not familiar with this attraction, Moody Gardens is a series of three pyramids. One houses a tropical rainforest, a second an amazing aquarium, and the third is called the Discovery Pyramid which seems to focus on more "science museum" type fare. The gardens also include an IMAX theater and a water park. What more could you ask for?  I'm thinking about moving there permanently.
That last statement is not completely true, but there was definitely loads of beautiful scenes to behold and attempt to capture. I did manage to take some pictures, most of which I can see finding their way in terms of patterning or color combinations into future fabrics or designs.
Maybe they'll inspire you too.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you had an enjoyable time in Galveston. Our guild has you on our calendar for the fall, I think, and we look forward to your return then!
