Thursday, May 16, 2013

Just a Moment

I was going to post about a new project today, but I'm delaying that for a day because of some very sad news I heard this morning.
Many of you are familiar with Kathreen Ricketson. She created and crafted, an amazing site devoted to crafts for young and old as well as being an author of craft books.
I had the pleasure of contributing to whipup as well as designing two mini quilts for Kathreen's first book. She generously promoted my work as well as that of many others and generally embodied a wonderful spirit of curiosity and creativity that is, hopefully, a hallmark of the DIY movement.
I just wanted to take a moment to think about her and how sad this loss is for her family and children and for all of us in the quilting and crafting community.


  1. It`s terrible.All my prayers to the family.

  2. This is so incredibly sad. My heart goes out to her chidren, family and friends. And she will be sorely missed in the creative community.

  3. So sad to hear of people passing before their time. I didn't know them, but I feel your loss and I will say a prayer for their family. A reminder to us to live each day they were.

  4. How tragic. I hold them up to the Universal Healing Power.

  5. That is the cutest baby quilt ever.
    Love the colors and the shapes.
    Thanks for sharing
