Saturday, June 29, 2013

The Last Leads to the First

I made several dye baths yesterday. Not really an unusual event here, but these felt significant.
After I mixed up the dye baths, I turned to my daughter and said, " These are the last dye baths I'll ever mix up in this house." Then, after I set the dye baths, I turned to my daughter and said, " These are the last dye baths I'll ever set in this house."
This morning, as I boil out that fabric to make it ready to ship to happy sewers, guess what I'm thinking?
Yep. But, I don't think I'm thinking it because I'm sad, I think it comes more out of gratitude.
I doubt I would having voluntarily picked this particular part of my life's path, but it is my path and it has led to quite a few things that I'm very grateful for as well as an awareness of all that is already present and of which I am thankful.
So, I've loved living in my house, watching my children and business grow in this place, and learning about myself here, but I am so looking forward to being with my children, sewing, dyeing, creating, and enjoying the special people in my life ( especially one very special person) in my new home.
I took some pictures yesterday and in gathering them to present here I realized that though some are related what links them all is that they are captured moments. Happy moments. And, honestly, what more could a person ask for than to have their day include a series of happy moments.
I'd like to share them here with you, captioned, of course. If you're so inspired, share some of your happy moments with me, either through a link in the comments section, or by sending me an email, or on instagram.
Putting a second pattern on this fabric.
Readying fabric to go into the discharge bath before over dyeing.
Found this tabletop(?) years ago along the side of the road. Have finally resolved to restore it and make it into a table for my new place. Great pattern, huh?
Fabric, post-discharge, drying on the fence. Love the secondary pattern created by the light shining through and illuminating the pattern of the chain link.
Went to swim team practice and found these toy rings at the bottom of the pool. I look glamorous, don't I?
My puppy, Charlie-Tucker, says there's furniture just gets in the way of perfectly lovely floor space.
Sneak peek at the samples that came yesterday for my new collection for Moda!


  1. A "special" someone?? Do tell!! I'm happy for you!!

  2. Looks like a lot of happiness and I wish you more in your new space. Then it will be the first...

  3. The poignancy associated with Lasts can slay us and yet uplift us as we look forward to the new spaces in which the creative juices will flow and the tenor of your life change a bit. I l await with anticipation your first batch from the new bath set up.
