Sunday, July 7, 2013

I hear and see you

My kids used to ask me if I had to choose whether I had to be blind or deaf, which would I choose? I used to think I definitely preferred losing my hearing to losing my sight. It seemed like a no-brainer. I need my sight for my work and my work is such a huge part of who I am.
I'm not so sure anymore.
One of the things that sold me on my new place is the windows. The house has a lot of large, wood windows, many of which have cranks for opening.
It's perfect for Texas. Really. Early in the morning, before it gets as hot as the surface of Mercury, I like opening the windows and feeling the morning air. Mostly though, I like hearing the sounds of the city, the cars driving by as well as their the lack on the weekend, the different birds singing their songs, people talking as they walk a dog with a neighbor. It makes me feel a part of the world as it starts its new day. It make me feel grateful and inspired.
Thankfully, I don't have to make the sight/sound choice, so as I unpack to the sounds of NPR or my barking dog, or even my laughing girls, I've been taking some pictures of things I've owned for many years that, in their new home, seem fresh and different. Visual treats to accompany all that my ears take in.
Great Aunt Irma's China

These strange stuffed pods I found at Quilt Festival years ago
My quirky, little collection of Magnetic Personalities refrigerator magnets.
Pictured are Van Gogh, Shakespeare, Lao Tzu, Ghandi, and Machiavelli
My youngest's favorite plate. She calls it her "face plate".


  1. Blindess cuts you off from things....deafness cuts you off from people.

  2. i love unpacking and re-finding all my treasures, enjoy your new home, x
