Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Mid-Week Workshop::Kinda, Sorta...

I say kinda, sorta because, though this mid-week "workshop" is filled with hopefully loads of good stuff, it's not exactly a tutorial.
My planned tutorial was coming along fine until the mail came on Monday and this arrived:
One of the many perks of designing for Moda is getting freebies of their packaged fabric in my various designs. For every collection I've received jelly rolls and fat quarter packs and layer cakes. But, I'd never gotten this before. I suspect because this must be new, but how amazing is this? They are pre-cut hexies. Large pre-cut hexies measuring about 5" along each edge.
Needless to say, I had to stop whatever I was doing and work with these. I think you understand.
My first project was very simple.
Each package contains 42 hexagons in a variety of patterns and color ways. I selected 7 in a similar palette and created a single flower block.
I added some diamonds and triangles to square off the block as well as some 2" strips to give it a wee bit more size.
Next up: quilting in a much loved design,
rounding the edges,
and hand binding.
Normally, I'd sew down the binding with a zig-zag stitch in a coordinating thread, but I was still a bit giddy from excitement over these pre-cut hexagons.
Now what? How about a second one in a warmer palette:
Or resist patterning the pre-cuts and over dyeing?
The results of this little experiment are in the dryer as I write.
A world(one in the shape of a hexagon, not a circle) of possibilities awaits.


  1. cool! you're overdyeing your overdyed fabrics!

  2. can't wait to see the finished project of your overdyed hexies.

  3. Thanks for writing in such an encouraging post. I had a glimpse of it and couldn’t stop reading till I finished. I have already bookmarked you.
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  4. I have your "Simple Marks collection", but not all prints. Is there a place I can buy the missing prints and all the solids? Is there another collection that also works with this as I'm building a quilt around this group.

  5. I have your "Simple Marks collection", but not all prints. Is there a place I can buy the missing prints and all the solids? Is there another collection that also works with this as I'm building a quilt around this group.

  6. I have your "Simple Marks collection", but not all prints. Is there a place I can buy the missing prints and all the solids? Is there another collection that also works with this as I'm building a quilt around this group.
