Thursday, October 31, 2013

Just a trick

I mean it.
Actually, let's back track.
Ok, now the treat. 
The mail carrier and he was a real nail carrier, not some 10 year old dressed as one, brought me a special treat today.

Yep. That's the latest issue of Modern Patchwork magazine and it's filled with lots of great stuff including two of my projects.
One is version of a tote bag I made for my friend, Nan and the other is a simple pillow crafted out of wee little squares. 
Policy at Interweave Press/F&W Media is to send contributors 3 complimentary copies. A lovely idea, but I just worked super hard to downsize my stuff when I moved here. So, guess what?
I'm giving away the extra two copies to one of you fine, crafty people. 
I'm doing it in double celebration of the day. You see Halloween is not only a fine day to dress up as say one of the Village People, but it's also my eldest girl's birthday. 
Needless to say that is my best Halloween memory, My daughter's birth not spelling out YMCA.
So, if you want to be entered into the drawing, leave a comment with your best or scariest Halloween memory and I'll announce the winners in the next few days. 


  1. My fondest memory is my first year my son went trick or treating I made his costume it was a dinosaur and I was so proud it was huge....We live in florida and the poor kid was sweating tring to pull that large tail around.

  2. We carve pumpkins every year. I realized last night as we were doing it with the kids, that it was the 16th year my husband and I have carved pumpkins together!

  3. My daughter was born just before halloween (although quite a few years ago now). That first halloween we had received about 10 different halloween outfits/costumes, and I think I dressed her up in every one of them on that first halloween!

  4. I don't have a scary memory but I do have some wonderful ones! My mom was a primary school teacher and one year she decided to rent a fairy godmother costume (like Cinderella's dress plus a wand!!) and she answered the door to give out candy to all the kids from her class who knocked on the door. She had so much fun.

  5. I think my favorite memory was dressing my son up as Elvis for his first Halloween. He was all of six week old!

  6. Best wishes to your daughter on her birthday and happy Halloween to all.

    I have a scary memory. It was a number of years ago and we went to one of those frightening hayrides. There were people jumping out at us, but the most terrifying part was the guy who jumped into the wagon with a working chain saw! It had the belt taken off, but we didn't know that!

  7. Today is my granddaughters 1st Halloween. Never thought I would have a grandchild so every celebration is special.

  8. My best Halloween memory was when we opened the door to an adorable two-year old (and his parents), and he walked right into our house! Made sense to him.

  9. Best Halloween memory - making my daughter up as Little Red Riding Hood from total bed rest and the two year old her loving it until her dad put on his big bad wolf mask. The wailing commenced even when he showed her it was him.

  10. Congrats on the lovely projects and thank you for the giveaway! Hmm, I think my best Halloween experience was getting my Mom to loan me her best amazing handmade belly dancing outfit when I was 18, and then getting her to loan it to me again when I was 32. I couldn't wear it now, but I sure wish I could :)

  11. Oh man. I'd have to say today! My kids are finally old enough to understand the fun. My preschooler had a party at school and we brought the toddler too. They were ADORABLE. :)

  12. trick or treating as a girl, we would fill up pillowcase after pillowcase with full sized candy bars! Poor kids today get gyped!

  13. When my one year old won her first costume contest.

  14. Probably the worst Halloween was when I came down with the chicken pox . . . and I was 31. Take care, Byrd

  15. We were just talking about this tonight! My favorite Halloween for me was when I was maybe 4-5. I was Cinderella ! Back 'in the day' we had these super cheap plastic masks. You could never see out of the was not high on the list with those...but my mask was transparent and beautiful to me!

  16. My little brother and I almost always had complimentary costumes...I have amazing memories of being Princess Leia with him as Yoda, me as Wonder woman, he as Superman, and, the last year we trick or treated together, me as a hooker, he as Don Johnson from Miami Vice.

  17. I can remember my worst and best halloween. For us it was a treat to get candy at halloween and one year my friend and I had filled half our pillow cases and were walking back up the road to go home and some kids ran up and stole my bag. I was not too happy but the best was, my friend gave me half of hers.


  18. long ago when I was young, the neighbour boys had firecrackers that they would set off in people's mailboxes( the rural kind on a post). Sure scared me!

  19. Just back from trick or treating with my three boys, ages 2, 5, and 7. This is the best Halloween EVER! We live in central Canada, and it is always cold by Halloween - like down jacket under your costume, hopping in the car every few houses to warm up, and snow on the ground COLD. The weather has been that every year since my childhood. But this year was PERFECT! It is definitely fall but the cold weather held off. We didn't even need gloves! Just our costumes, with sweaters underneath. Yeah, perfect! I am still on a high!

  20. My favorite Halloween was when I was single and living in Brooklyn. I invited friends for a "Bring Your Own Pumpkin" jackolantern-carving party. Half the guests showed up not realizing I was serious about the pumpkin-carving part, saw how much fun the rest of us were having, and hurried to the grocery store around the corner to get pumpkins of their own. Most Halloween fun I've had as a grownup.

  21. Congratulations on having two projects in Modern Patchwork! Happy Birhday to your daughter as well. My grandson just had his birthday on the 29th, so he almost made it, hehe. One of my favorite memories is a new one. My grandson is three years old and the perfect cute age. He was a ninja turtle this year and was just so cute how he said "trick or treat". He loved going up to the doors, knocking and saying his line. He had a blast this year dressing up and showing his haul of candy, which may or may not be a few pieces short than it was earlier, hehe.

    Thank you for a super giveaway and a chance to win.


  22. Last night when some trick or treaters arrived they didn't realise that the cows from the farm next door had escaped into the lane - they ran away screaming and I had to call them back!!

  23. My eldest child, my only boy, was also born on halloween, 26 years ago. :) So that's my best memory.

    My mom used to tell him that his birthday was so special, the whole city celebrated by trick or treating.

    And last night I got to take his two children door to door.

  24. Well as a kid on a farm we never went trick or treating. I only experienced one fun Halloween as a teen when my church guild had a costume party and I dressed as an old farmer with striped Oshkosh overalls (my dads) stuffed to fill it out and chewing on a wheat stalk. So fun and great memory for me.

  25. This year I got to make a costume for my new baby grand girl and last night that little Koi fish and her Pond parents came trick or treating at our house. Cutest zen family ever

  26. I used to live in a big neighborhood with lots of kids. The street would literally buzz with activity on halloween and the excitement was palpable! With all the trunk-or-treating and halloween parties, the same excitement just isn't there these days. We only had about 15 tick-or-treaters the whole night.

    on a side note, I am so excited about this magazine! thanks for the chance to win!

  27. My favorite Halloween memory is being 15 and being "requested" by my parents to take my younger sister Sara trick-or-treating. Three of my friends and I were walking along with Sara (dressed as the great pumpkin)and her little friend, when we realized Sara was missing. In her big costume, she had tried to cut through some bushes and gotten stuck. She was SO cute, just flailing around and waiting for us to come back and get her!

  28. Making my own costume as a kid was always the most fun: frog, witch, robot... This year I remembered in time to purchase eyeball candies (Bubble gum, chocolate, and Sweet-Tart eyballs!), and I thoroughly enjoyed passing them out to the 209(!) trick-or-treaters who came to u door!

  29. My birthday is late October...I love to dress up and scare the kids! My mottoe is be scary or go home. This year my eyeball was falling out! Ohhh

  30. my son was born near halloween, such great memories of a bunch of little kids going to a haunted house and a pizza party afterwards! thanks for the chance

  31. My best Halloween memory was when my sister and I got to go trick or treating without my little brothers. Them along with my Mom just slow me down! My sister and I hit every house in the neighborhood collecting gobs and gobs of candy in our pillowcases. Yes, we took the pillowcases off our bed to use! Better than a paper bag especially in the rain. Back then their weren't the fancy plastic buckets the kids get now. COngratulations on being published again!

  32. Best Memory was when my kids were young they would dress up and ready to go but when they saw someone in scary costume they would run back and cling to my legs. These days they don't care even if a skeleton were to stand next the:)
    Thanks for the giveaway.

  33. I just talked about this with my husband last night. I actually have two equally good 'best' memories. I remember spending hours with my grandpa going to every house for blocks and blocks to get candy, until we filled an entire paper grocery bag. And then when my sister was born (we're 10 years apart) my mom made us amazing costumes (Mickey & Minnie, Darkwing Duck & LaunchPad McQuack)that we still talk about! This year we went as Daphne and Velma from Scooby Doo, so we apparently still love to do what my mom started years ago!

  34. I loved coming up with elaborate costumes for my dad to create, and annual pumpkin carving contests.

  35. As a UK resident (in my 50's) we didnt celebrate Halloween, our big night was Guy Fawkes night , Nov 5th, following the pipe band down to the bonfire carrying wax torches, fireworks, cold toes and hot soup!

  36. a child, we always headed out for candy in year we lost my cousin. he was probably 6 or 7. luckily he was a smart kid and we were in a safe neighborhood...he asked someone giving out candy to call him mom. ugh, as a parent now, this memory is sooo scary to me!

  37. My best Halloween ever was the year they built apartments up the hill from our house, and all the kids tried them out for trick or treating. So little walking, so much candy! We had a blast that year!

  38. My mom was, and still is, a great crafts person. Her sewing skills could outdo all comers. Each year she would sew up a costume for me, whatever I chose, and I was thrilled to be a witch or a go go dancer (it was the 1960s!) or a pirate. But we lived on the edge of a mountain in North Vancouver and it always rained on Hallowe'en night and each year my costume was covered by a yellow rain slicker. That's my horror story!

  39. Best. Went trick or treating as a playing card. No worst that I can think of. Would love to win the magazine.

  40. I wouldn't say it's my best or scariest but it's a Halloween I remember as a girl. I was going to a town party at our local arena and my father made my costume. I remember feeling a bit embarrassed. He dressed me in a little skirt, tights and a turtle neck. The skirt had some sort of numbers stapled all over it. I was supposed to be a 'figure' skater.
    He was a chartered accountant and thought it was funny!

  41. Best Halloween memory is the first year I made a costume for my son. He was Mickey Mouse's the Sorceror's Apprentice. I loved how the costume came out.

  42. Best Halloween memory - my 2-year old son dressed as Sir Topham Hat (from Thomas the train) in a costume handmade by my mom - adorable!

  43. We lived in the country so didn't get to go out for trick or treating too often. One year I remember my older sister convinced my mom to take us out. She painted us up with my mom's red lipstick. We slipped one of her dresses over our big heavy winter coats. It's cold by October where I live. We went to our neighbor's house and she gave us the best tasting popcorn balls for our garish costumes.

  44. we used to lay in the pile of leaves and be the scary kids when the kids went by!! moowwhhhaa

  45. My fondest memories is the fact that my mother always dressed up for Halloween and trick or treated with her friends. It was great seeing her have so much fun, because now she won't have anything to do with the holidays.

  46. Best memory of this year: my husband gave a cute little toddler a candy bar. She reached into her bag and pulled out a small bag of M&M's and offered them to him. So sweet!! (And no, he didn't take them - not that he would have, but her dad quickly corrected her!)

  47. Many Halloweens and with 6 boys, LOTS of created costumes! Now I create for the grands, this year is treat bags with some marvelous seasonal prints. (2 of the grands complained that the bags were too small - they had to return home to empty!)
    Congrats on 2 projects in the magazine....

  48. Best Halloween present ever. Congrats on having two projects in this issue.

  49. I have great Halloween memories of trick or treating in a small town where you knew everyone and didn't have to worry about x-raying your candy. Thanks for the chance to win.

  50. It doesn't say if you've given these away yet. If you haven't.
    I would love this magazine. My favorite memory is wearing the clown costume my mom made me. I was sooo sad when I outgrew it.

  51. Is your pillow cover made up from a fabric collection? If so, could you tell me which one? I love the color combos. Thank you.

  52. So many cute modern items! I am MOST impressed with the beautiful finished edges on hexigons (like potholder pattern) and rounded edge bindings that look soooo smooth and tight. Lovely blog!
