When I was a kid and my Dad, now a retired doctor, would leave for work he always made a point of quoting a line from a popular Dunkin Doughnuts commercial. As he turned the knob to head out for another long day , he would look back over his shoulder and say," Time to make the doughnuts."

Now this fabric doesn't remind me exactly of doughnuts, but as I was quilting around the swirls this afternoon, I started to crave cinnamon rolls or strudel. And that made me think of my Dad and his doughnut making. That's it. It doesn't go any deeper than that.
Yummy. :-)
Love the fabric. Reminds me of how my pole series reminds me of the telephone poles in an old neighborhood I used to live in. I love that you keep moving forward with your work. Keep it up!
I just love your designs. I wish I lived closer to you, I would love to see how you do that!
These look great! Did you do it with a bleach pen?
We still say "Time to make the doughnuts" at our house!
Hey thanks everyone.
Sarah- I dyed the base fabric orange and then made the swirl pattern with a tjanting tool. It's a traditional tool for drawing with wax.
Oh I just realized you were probably asking about the orange one. I actually stamped that oval pattern with a potato stamp, dyed the fabric orange, took the wax out and then rewaxed the fabric using a tjanting tool.
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