The pattern can be made as a cami, tunic, or dress. I opted for the latter and I'm very happy with the final product. I'm definitely making this pattern again, though I did find the dress a little big and will probably size the pattern down to the small size. I've made another Amy Butler pattern before and am so impressed with the detailed instructions and the attention to ensuring that the item is beautifully crafted both inside and out. Her patterns are more expensive that most, but absolutely worth it.

I've also recently sewn the Built by Wendy pattern, Simplicity 3835, again, surprisingly, as a dress. Here too I'd made the top and decided to tackle the dress. I opted to keep the raglan sleeves rather than the sleeves/neck finishing that the pattern calls for. This dress is OK, but not a stunner. I can see wearing it to putter around, but I'm not wowed with the results. I'm not as down on it as my eldest, who described it as a nightgown, but I'm not bubbling over with excitement.

Despite any disappointments I'm so enjoying making these that I seem to be spending a fair amount of time trying to figure out when I can squeeze in a few minutes to cut out the next pattern. In fact I was looking through some of the pattern books the other day and was elated to see so many wonderful dress patterns. I am obviously not done with this particular obsession.
I recently bought the Built by Wendy Book...is that what you used...i could go an check but it just seems easier to ask:) Love your dresses btw!
Three cheers for Simplicity 3835!!!
I love them! I am tackling the Anna tunic right now!
I love Wendy. These dresses look really pretty, too.
Great blog! I love your quilts - they are wonderful!
i have been sewing for my grand daughter when i should be quilting. i also get on garment tears...but i really need to get some stuff done. she will be here for a whole month...mid dec to mid jan which means we will have her for christmas...yipee...i have not seen her since may 1st 2006 when i left for da UP. nana mode is kicking in big time, i have lots of craft projects lined up...
in the new cps they had an article about this woman who does all sorts of art but i thought of you when i saw her paper scupture...did you see it...absolutely amazing
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