Thursday, November 20, 2008

Just a few more

I had to move the furniture and stand on a step ladder to take this photo, but I managed to get the entirety of the twinkle quilt in this shot. That's no mean feat when you factor in that I have ten foot ceilings. Just positioning the top row of blocks requires that I stand on the top rung of my step ladder, stretch out as far as my 5'3" frame will allow me, slap the block on to the felt wall and smooth it out with a ruler. I just plain can't reach the top. All the edge blocks are just pinned onto a corner of the felt board. This baby is big. But boy am I happy with how it has come together. As of this writing I have about 40 more circles to make. That means I've already made 714.
On the one hand I can't believe I said I would make something so labor intensive, but on the other hand I'm so glad I did. While it's nice to make small, quick pieces there's something deeply satisfying about working on a piece that feels expansive and ambitious. I usually don't have a problem sending my work on to new homes, but I'll be a little sad to see this piece go. I know I can make another, but for now I also know that this is probably the best quilt I've ever made. That is if all goes well with the quilting. I'm pretty optimistic about that as I've done the training on a long arm machine and set up an appointment to come in and quilt.
For now I have the last of the circles and some piecing left. Though there too I'm glad I didn't just make a pile of circles, but pieced periodically as I dyed. It gave me the opportunity to see the quilt top come together and I don't have a huge, daunting task waiting.
I'm planning more pictures when the top is completed and, of course, a few more shots once it's all completed.
So, stay tuned...


Paula said...

Wow!!! That is HUGE!!! And, beautiful.

Kristin L said...

I love your smaller Twinkle quilt and it has translated beautifully to this huge size. I'm sure the longarm quilting will go great and your client will be thrilled. I know I would be thrilled to have something like this on MY bed!

Michaela said...

Oh my! I admire you. How long have you work on piecing these blocks?
I can't wait for more pictures.
Amazing job!

Libby said...

Oh no...that quilt is eating your house!! It's not so bad though, because the quilt is really pretty :)

sally said...

That is just so amazing. I absolutely love the circles in squares. It looks so nice.

Tine said...

It is gorgeous! Wow.....

Laura Jane said...

Absolutely bloody stunning!

I just LOVE it.

Please make sure you have it really well photographed professionally and you can use the image - for cards, business cards, backgrounds - it truly is THAT good.

I'm glad you've enjoyed making it, and seeing it quilted will only add to your pleasure (and ours)

Miaou said...

What an incredibly impressive piece of work! I can't wait to see the finished quilt.

Katie Jean said...

wow! it is coming together so nicely. I am shocked and impressed that you've made 700+. craziness. I just can't wait to see it finished!!

Helen said...

This is stunning! Can't wait to see it finished.

Funky Kim said...

Holy cow! I'm seriously impressed!

Unknown said...

hahahaha! It looks terrific!!

Jacqueline deRuyter said...

Amazing! It's beautiful - will you miss it once it comes down from your wall? Maybe you should design some twinkle wall paper : )

I'm curious if you planned out a color pattern or if it is completely random.

Victoria Findlay Wolfe said...

Maybe I am the only one who sees this, I know some of the pieces are hanging over on the edges, BUT, it looks like a face in profile! I saw this and thought, whose profile is that? Look again! The right side is the hair forehead, nose, lips and chin. the left side is the hair. (!!!!)
the square are just gorgeous!

kmel said...

That is crazy good. WOW. I feel the twinkling all the way over here on the south side.

Fulvia said...

That's called a labour of love. Well done! I look forward to the quilting.

Amanda Jean said...

an impressive undertaking! it's breathtaking.

I just spent about an hour on your flickr photo stream. you are so very inspiring!!!

courtney said...


Tora said...

This is absolutely gorgeous! I dream about it.. I'd really like something like that on our bed, but I don't think I would ever have the patience or skills to make it. Your work is amazing!

Louise said...

Those colours look absolutely gorgeous together! Wow, this must be taking you ages.

I'm loving your blog.

P.s. You've been tagged!

mary said...

That is so stunningly beautiful! What an awesome quilt! Can't wait for you book to come out!

Anonymous said...

Absoultely incredible! You are so talented and know how to think big!
~Emily in Norway

Anonymous said...

this is amazing!! I see the profile face, too (hee!)

KateKwiltz said...

You need a taller ladder!
Seriously, this piece is AWESOME. I hope hope hope its new caretakers will appreciate all your hard work!

IKABAGS said...

This is absolutely gorgeous! you are crazy :))))))))
see you ...