I did explain it in the article I wrote for the Dec/Jan issue of Quilting Arts. Sometimes though it's hard to work from written instructions. Well, guess what, lovely guests, I'm going to tape a Quilting Arts Workshop on DVD that will explain this process in detail. I'm heading off to scenic Cleveland in less than two weeks to tape the DVD and a segment on PBS's Quilting Arts TV. I'm pretty well immersed in prep work like going shopping for non black,white or, red clothing to wear on the set. Those colors are a verbotten. I'm also getting my haircut tomorrow and, because vanity has apparently overtaken me, am considering coloring my hair. See. I'm tackling all the important stuff.
All kidding aside I am working on all the step-outs needed to demo the technique, writing an outline to make sure I'm covering everything in the time allotted, and even some new applications for this process.
I've never been on TV before, so this is pretty exciting. I'm planning on assigning myself the job of roving reporter, so I'm inviting you, dear guests, along on this little adventure. Over the next few days I'll be posting a few sneak peeks of what I'll be teaching and maybe even a shot or two of my lovely new wardrobe. My computer will be accompanying me up North and I hope to post from there as well.
In the meantime I'm uploading this image of a Twinkle pillow that I made as a custom order. It's not exactly for the show, but I can't bring myself to post without a picture.

The temperature here in Austin is 75 degrees. Should I prepare myself for Cleveland in February?
Can't wait to read all about it!
Very exciting! Lovely pillow, too!
Wow - congratulations. And yes, sounds like you are getting the really important stuff done first :-)
What a fantastic opportunity! I love your Twinkle series. And yes, you must show us guests the new hair and clothes :-)
You are just all over the media these days! I will look forward to reading about this latest adventure.
congrats on the taping! i really love your techniques and i'm sure the show will be great.
yes- do prepare yourself for the colder weather. i've been in austin for three weeks and WOW it is way better than a Montana winter (which I know, logically, as a native Texan, but still!).
good luck with the taping and clothes shopping.
I'll definitely be watching and trying that technique soon.
I live in Akron, Ohio which is just south east of Cleveland and the weather can be real tricky at this time of year. Today the high is expected to be 63, but then the temps are going to drop again back down into the 30's. The worst is the wind chill! Enjoy your trip to the Buckeye state!
This sounds exciting! Have a nice trip, and I too look forward to see pics of the new you ;-)
In the meantime, there is a little something for you on my blog. Take it for what it is. I truly admire your work!
How exciting. I can't wait to learn how to do this!
This will probably be the first technique DVD I buy from Quilting Arts. Yea! Dress warm. Very warm.
It's in the 50's today in Cleveland, which feels like Spring to us--but by next weeks it's supposed to be in the 20's and snowing again so who knows what it will be like in two weeks? It's Cleveland's way of teasing us that spring is still a long way off...If you'd like any recommendations of things to do in Cleveland, please feel free to contact me.
wow, that is wonderful news! although I understoond the steps from the great article in Quilting Arts and was very surpised you "shared your secret" with everyone because I find it a very very unique invention!
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