Monday, July 6, 2009

A Week of Finishing :: Leaf Tee

Sometimes you can spend weeks working and feel like you have nothing to show for it and then other times you come into a veritable smorgasbord of finished objects. Well, I'm happy to say that it looks like I'm at the buffet table this week. I'm hopefully coming to the end of several projects and I'm planning on sharing them here this week.
My first completed item is not a sewn item, but a knitted one. If you all knew how hot it has been here the past few weeks, you would laugh at why I felt compelled to work on my knitting. In my own defense I will say that this item was made out of an amazing bamboo/cotton blend, so it is cool,with cool being a relative term when human beings are forced to endure 100+ degree temperatures day after day.
But I bet you all don't want to hear me go on and on and on about how freaking hot it is here and how, despite the fact that I have a pretty high tolerance for heat, I can't take this particular inferno,right?
I thought so.
Here's my finished object instead:

Try to ignore that string that is in every single one of the shots I took and instead focus on this really cute and easy to knit top. It's the Leaf T-Shirt, a free pattern on Ravelry. It's knitted from the top down. Oh, how I love knitting from the top down. It's so civilized.

Here's a detail shot of the tee. Or maybe it's a shot of me passed out from the unbearable heat. Either way, you can see the pretty lace pattern. It's just a 6 row repeat with plain knitting in between, but I like the interest it added to the top.

I've got a second Leaf T-Shirt in my future as well as more cotton/bamboo yarn. I picked this batch up today at a lovely local(air conditioned) store .
I'll be back tomorrow with another finished item.


brianj33 said...

That is a lovely sweater and I really like the quilt too!

Rosemoo said...

I adore this top. And as usual your background is a fabulous piece of wonder as well!

One day I vow to be as cool as you.


Janet said...

Very cute. I know what you mean about projects finishing all at once.

Tara said...

so pretty! knitting is not just for the winter after all! What kind of yarn is it?

susan said...

i cannot wait until i can knit sweaters and socks. socks will come first, out of alpaca, for my honey...he installs furnaces and works outside in -20 to 30, so some nice alpaca socks would be great. i really love your sweater, the color and pattern are very loverly.

Shelina said...

It is a really pretty sweater. It looks good on you.

Kathy York said...

I LOVE this! You did a great job, and thanks for modeling the completed garment. It looks fabulous! And glad to know there is a new knitting store so close!

ilovebabyquilts said...

I love that quilt the yarn is on. It reminds me I really need to work with solids for once!

monica said...

gorgeous! and a beautiful colour too.

Kris said...

Bamboo is lovely stuff. I love it! Oh, and you are definitely allowed to complain about the heat. It makes me appreciate our winter even more! (In your winter I'll be complaining and dead jealous!)

Chveya said...

your work is just so lovely, I can never get over how beautiful everything you make is. thank you for sharing.

Ashley said...

the tee is gorgeous Malka! I really need to learn how to knit.