Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Strips and Bricks Version 2.0

Remember this quilt?

I designed it about a year ago for Sew Hip magazine and, since then, have enjoyed seeing versions of it here and there.
I've also gotten a fair number of inquiries from folks wanting to know how to get a copy of the pattern. Apparently finding copies of this British magazine is not easy here in the States and purchasing back issues is near impossible.
Seeing as the pattern is very difficult to come by, I've decided to update the pattern with my own edits and illustrations so that I can offer it for sale in my store.
My first step, however, has been to remake the quilt. I'd given the original away as a gift to a friend so I needed a new version to both refresh my memory on how to make the quilt and for photography purposes.

I stayed with the original color palette, lots of low volume fabrics and various shades of "whites" to give this version the clean, modern feel that the original had.

I've got the top all pieced and all that's needed is some backing, batting, and a bit of quilting. Then I'll add the illustrations and the pattern will be ready.
My release date is next Wednesday, August 4 and I'll be celebrating it with a little pattern giveaway. So, if you think you'd like a chance to win a copy of the pattern or you'd just like to see the finished quilt, check back then.


Bobbi said...

Love this quilt! I'll stop by again later for your giveaway. :)

Alice R. said...

Love this - do love the clean, modern look of it!

Chris said...

This is so lovely!! I'm looking forward to the pattern.

Angie said...

Very pretty quilt - I like the colors of this quilt too :)

Marit said...

Malka, this is good news indeed! I loved your pattern so much, but it was so hard to get hold of. Thank you for remaking the quilt and selling this as a pattern!

; )

Kimberly Whispell said...

I LOVE this quilt, so fresh!

Michele T said...

You have designed a very fresh quilt - I would love to see it in some dramatic bold colours too! Thanks for the chance to win your pattern.

Meg said...

Thank you for this! I have mightily admired Rita's two incarnations of Strips and Bricks, and was coming to the conclusion that I was going to have to try and make it up myself! Can't wait to get my hands on the pattern!!

stephie @ narrative self said...

I love the colour theme of this quilt Malka, it's so restful :) Look forward to seeing it when it's quilted!

Isa said...

I love this quilt, it's so great you're making a pattern to buy.
Could it be an idea if you made custom fabric bundles with your own fabric for this pattern?

Alexis said...

Yay great news! I love this quilt- looking forward to the pattern!

Kate said...

It does have a lovely fresh clean modern look. Well done on a great pattern.

Anonymous said...

Lovely! The soft colors are beautiful. As wonderful as color is, sometimes it is nice to have a more restful quilt!

susan said...

very nice. i almost have my batik box complete. now all i need is a used electric fry pan.....

Maggie said...

Love the quilt! I would like to make it in a baby quilt size to use up some of my stash!

meli B said...

I saw Red Pepper Quilts had made this quilt just a short while ago but I didn't know it was your design.I Love it and am glad you are making it available for others to use.

Joy said...

Yay! I was unable to find the pattern, too (glad to know now that it wasn't just me...). It's so lovely - thanks for re-publishing it!

Diane said...

I am looking for my magazine - just so inspired by your quilt.

lindar said...

Ooh, Can't wait to create one like this!! Great pattern! Will check back for chance to win it!

Chantele Cross-Jones said...

Thats really funky. Daisy Dayz Home

Marty Mason said...

What a great quilt and look forward to seeing the pattern later today.

The Crayon Lab said...

This might be too hard for me, but I would rise to the challenge! Love it!

dls said...

Lovely quilt - the fabric choices are wonderful. Very contemporary and very calming.

Thanks for sharing.