Tuesday, June 7, 2011

I was about to burst...

...but no more because I've been given the green light to tell you all about this:
I'm designing a collection of fabrics for Moda fabrics that will preview at Quilt Market in Houston this fall. 
You can't imagine how exciting it is to see a selvedge with your name on it. It's right up there with going to a bookstore and seeing your name on the spine of a book.
Add to that how excited I am about these fabrics. The folks at Moda have done an absolutely amazing job recreating the hand dyed look that my fabrics have because, hey...they're hand dyed. When I opened the box and saw the first set of strike-offs, I declared to my youngest that I may never dye again because I was so happy with the look of these fabrics. That statement made my girl very happy because dyeing fabric takes up a lot of my time. Unfortunately for her, it's not true as I really enjoy the process and it's how I come up with my ideas. Also, I still think there are folks who want the hand dyed original. But, for those of you who like my fabrics but find the price of hand dyes out of your budget, this is the perfect alternative. Hell, it's the perfect alternative for me. You all can't imagine how many times I've wanted to sew a dress for myself out of my hand dyes and been daunted by the task of dyeing 3 yards of fabric. Now, I won't give it a second thought. And, boy do I have plans for everything from giveaways to free projects to kits using these fabrics. 
There will be a lot more about my line, a stitch in color, in the next few months, but I'm so glad I can finally share the news with you and I think one of the biggest treats will be to see what you all make with this fabric. I'm sure you'll wow me with your creativity!


Harmony Hopes Studio said...

You so deserve this opportunity. I can't imagine the feeling of this personal accomplishment. Well done!

Jacey said...

Incredible news! Wow, I'm so excited for you, and excited to see your new line in person! Yay!

erin said...

Malka, CONGRATS! So exciting. Wish I could go to quilt market to see you and your booth in action! Someday! Keep up the good work! Erin

Amy said...

Congratulations!! They look lovely. Can't wait to see them in person!

Michele said...

Congratulations! You must be so excited! They look really neat!

Lynne said...

Congrats! Something to look forward to!

Rocio said...

Oh, oh, oh, this is so exciting. Congratulations!! I cannot wait to see the whole collection. For sure something that it is already on my wish list. Great news!!

Lynn said...


Have a great holiday!

Sharon M said...

From the little you show in the photo they are looking pretty much like yours. How exciting for you and for all the quilters out there able to buy these. Congratulations. I absolutely love your book too.

Vanesa said...

Congrats Malka! Great news, I can't wait to see it!

Little Island Quilting said...

That's fantastic news and I'll definitely be keeping the global economy afloat, if not pushing it into an accelerated recovery.

Fulvia said...

Congratulations, Malka; no wonder you were about to burst!

Elizabeth Dackson said...

OMG, Malka, that is so wonderful! Congratulations!!! I can't even imagine how hard it was to keep that to yourself. The fabrics look so colorful and bright, just like your work. Can't wait to see them in real life in the fall!

www.randomthoughtsdoordi.com said...

oh my...when can we get on a list to know when this becomes available! Love it!

Amanda said...

are you serious!?!? i am so excited =) i've always loved your hand-dyes, but i am a fabric cheap-o and hardly ever buy full-price. this will make its way into my budget!

Audrie said...

I'm so thoroughly excited by this!!! Congratulations! :)

Leigh Ann Tennant said...

Congratulations to you! The colors look delicious! Wishing you much success!

Heather said...

I was just thinking the other day..."Why doesn't she have a fabric line?" So happy that you know do!

Jackie Russell said...

Congratulations! Love what I'm seeing!

Alissa said...

How exciting!!! Congrats and I can't wait to get my hands on some!!

DianeY said...

Wow! Can't wait to see these!Very exciting for you & all the rest of us!

G said...

So awesome! Congrats!

beth said...

THAT IS SO AWESOME!!! Fabulous! I can't wait!

Anonymous said...

yes yes yes! i am SO thrilled for you, malka! it's a perfect fit and the samples look amazing. looking forward to seeing and hearing more over the coming months. congratulations, friend! xoxo

Amber said...

Congratulations!! This is very exciting news! I can't wait to see all the beauty!

Unknown said...

Congratulations! I think I may be as excited as you are!

Lucia said...

Congratulations! What awesome news! I have always loved your fabrics and now I'll be able to get some of my very own. Can't wait to see it in person.

Vicki @ DottyJane said...

Congratulations, Malka! How exciting for you!

Digs (Amanda Carestio) said...

big big BIG yay!!!

Lynda Halliger Otvos (Lynda M O) said...

Such exciting news, Malka. You deserve the best and I cannot wait to use these lovely fabrics.

mathea said...

Wow, that's exciting news! Congratulations. I've got my credit card ready ;-)

{Leila}Where the Orchids Grow said...

that's so cool!! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Oh, yeahhhhhhh! I can never get enough for a big quilt like I want - now I can! My pillows can visit it, and tablerunners, and gifts...

Alice R. said...

Ooops! That was me - I quess I WAS excited.

GerryART said...

This is MOST WONDERFUL ! ! ! !
I love your work
you have worked - if you want to call doing what you enjoy, you know what I mean - you have worked so hard to get to this point. Enjoy it to it's fullest ! ! ! !
I'm looking forward to seeing it AND HAVING SOME OF MY OWN ! ! !
Congrats, Malka.

Gloria L. said...

Mazel tov, Malka! This is exciting news! I can't wait to see the line and purchase some for myself. I was just commenting to some other fabric junkie friends of mine that I'm really looking for some "WOW" pieces. Yours do the trick!

Leila said...

Yea! I can't wait to see them in real life!!!

mek said...

So beautiful!

Unknown said...

Awesome! I am so excited for you... and for me, too as a future consumer of these!

Frogdancer said...

Good on you! Actually, I've got a quilt that's basted and ready to quilt using your fabric. Must get onto it and finish it off!

Lesly said...

oh wow - that just made my day - time to start putting money in the pushke!

Cheryl Arkison said...

Woohoo! They will be/are nothing short of gorgeous! I can't wait to play with them.

Vivika said...

That is great news. I've been wondering when you would take the "design" plunge! Congratulations!

Katherine said...

Congratulations, Malka! This is very exciting news and you must be thrilled. Looking forward to seeing and hearing more about this in the coming months.

Tabatha said...

Holy cow, is there anything more exciting?!?! You're in the big leagues now! I can't wait to see your line! There are too many exclamation marks in this comment!

Rosa said...

Congrats,great news.

Meghan said...

That's so exciting! I would have had a hard time keeping it to myself if I were you :)

Carol said...

Wow -- that's pretty impressive!! Congratulations -- I'll surely be looking forward to seeing your fabrics!

Jen of ReannaLily Designs said...

Ever since the big circle over-dyed quilt on Etsy/flickr, I've been waiting to see your own fabric. I cannot wait! Congratulations!

Alexis said...

SO exciting!!!!! Congratulations!

elizabethdee said...

congratulations!!! i'm excited for you but selfishly excited for me too, because soon i can have some A Stitch in Color! (Great name!)

Tammy Vasser said...

Ahhhhh! That's me screaming with delight! Oh, I'm so excited. You can be assured Marmalade Fabrics will carry your entire line. This is the best news! I'm so excited for you! CONGRATS!!

Ashley said...

how absolutely thrilling! I"m so happy for you, and also happy for me - love your hand dyed fabrics and am very excited that your new line will be available so soon! can't wait to see it in person!

Anonymous said...

Congrats! How exciting :) I love the colors.

Alix Broadfoot said...


Fran said...

WOW ! This is so exciting ! Can't wait !
Our tiny preview looks fabulous....
no of course you can't stop dyeing
originals....but I love the Moda fabric !
Touche Hooray !

Poppyprint said...

Oh happy day!!! Congratulations Malka - this is very exciting news. I can't wait to see your designs! Moda has made a great call!

jenn said...

So excited! This is really really great news! Congratulations, this is just what we need!!

Victoria said...

Wow! This is just fabulous and I can't wait to see them! Congratulations!!

Sarah said...

Oh wow- I am so happy for you- ANDfor me! I can't wait to get my hands on some of that fabric:)

StuffandThings said...

Wow! That is awesome! I knew it had to be something really big. Congratulations!

Marcia - Crafty Sewing and Quilting said...


They are beautiful fabrics!

Make a dress!

Laura said...

oh my! They are gorgeous! How exciting! I am very happy for you (and for us!). congrats!

Debbie said...

So exciting! I want some! Let us know when we buy it :)

Sewhappy said...

yay, I am so excited, I can't wait to get my hands on your beauties, and selvadges. Cool! I am so happy for you too.

MariQuilts said...

Congrats....I can hardly wait to get some...I love your fabrics.

Catherine said...

Fantastic news! Congratulations! I can hardly wait to see what you've designed. I just know I'll like it.

sugarcreekstuff said...

OMG this is awesome news! I have purchased your hand dyes and hoard them away for only amazing projects worthy of their beauty. This will take the pressure off and help build my fabric stash!

Patty said...

Love love love those colors! Congratulations!

Letterpress said...

Congratulations--I have your book and look forward to creating some of your quilts--with YOUR fabrics! yay!

Elizabeth E.

tracy_a said...

Congratulations! These look lovely. `

susan in seattle said...

Oh boy!!! Great colors/patterns in the teaser photo! I can't wait to see more! Congratulations are in order. Great honor and accomplishment!

Meg said...

Malka, that's amazing! Congratulations! I'm so excited to see (and sew with) your new line!!

Mariel said...

Can't wait to buy them! CONGRATULATIONS!

Diane Perin said...

Congratulations! This is very exciting news -- for you, and for us too! I look forward to seeing them!

patty a. said...

How wonderful! I can't wait to see the whole line.

Kelly said...

I'm so FLIPPIN' EXCITED. What a wonderful opportunity for you. Keep us posted so we know where to find it.

Svetlana said...

congratulations!!! The fabric is just wonderful, can't wait to be able to buy it for my projects.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! The fabrics look wonderful - I can't wait to see more of them.

@pril said...

That is really great news! I would be stoked too. Can't wait to see the full fabric swatches!

lissa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
lissa said...

Welcome to the team!

Unknown said...

Congratulations!! Those fabrics are gorgeous!!

manybooks said...

Congratulations! Can't wait to see the whole line - it looks wonderful :)

Sherri said...

Amazing...love your book, and can't wait to sew with your fabric as well!

Andréa said...

Can't wait!!! :-)

leslie said...

wow!!! good for you! and how very exciting for the rest of us : )

linda said...

Yeah for you!!!!!, and us!!!! Great job Malka!

dhyana said...

Where can I buy your fabrics ??!!

Darcy said...

Sa-WEET!! Can't imagine fabric I would be more excited to see/touch/own/play with - yay!

momto2wasd said...

Fantastic! I'm sure I'm gonna love it with the colors that you use!

Erica said...

Congratulations! It looks wonderful!

1 Year Old Birthday Party Ideas

evonne said...

I am thrilled to see your new fabric line!! Huge congrats to you. It's really wonderful that the quilting and sewing community can get their hands on your "handmade" "handdyed" fabrics. Your colors are just so vibrant and full of life and inspiration!! Thanks for sharing your art with all of us!

Joy said...

Yay!! Congratulations! I can't wait until it's available.

Kinda Crunchy Kate said...

I am so excited about your new fabric line! Congratulations!! I've always wanted to sew a quilt with some of your fabrics, but haven't been able to afford it. I know what I am asking for for my birthday now!!

Leslie said...

Congrats! From the looks of the samples the colors look great.

house on hill road said...

i've been so out of touch and i just wish i would have caught this post earlier!
i am so excited for you, malka. really, really excited. what a great and well deserved accomplishment!
and a good thing for the rest of us, too. ;)

Anonymous said...

Your Fabric's are fabratastic!!!! CJ in Missouri and also thank the Texans who have came to help us in Joplin Missouri

Denise said...

Super-cool! I've been coveting the little scraps of your hand-dyed fabric from the AAQG workshop back in May. It will be so cool to see your fabric in the shops.

Amanda Jean said...

Congrats Malka!!! That's awesome! I bet that is super exciting for you. I can't imagine!

trudys_person said...

Super cool! I can't wait to see/buy the whole line!