Friday, July 29, 2011

a stitch in color :: preview project #1

I'd like to dedicate this post to the concept that everything takes twice as long to finish as you think it will. It always seems to work that way, yet I'm strangely also always astounded that whatever the task was took longer to accomplish than I thought it would.
In my own defense or rather in defense of my sense that I work quickly, I did change my mind three times regarding what my first project with my new fabrics would be. So, maybe I'm not that slow, just terribly fickle.
Anyway, personal quirks aside, I have finished my first project using my a stitch in color fabrics.
I decided to revisit a favorite pattern that I've made in the past using my hand dyed fabrics.
What amazes me about these fabrics is how much they look like the hand dyed originals I used as my "sketches".
I don't know how other fabric companies work, but I came to my meeting with Moda with a whole bunch of hand dyed cottons as my designs and that's what they sent off for the mill to work from.
Maybe having the original fabrics as a guide helped, maybe not, but these fabrics look amazingly like the originals.
Proof positive is that my first project using a stitch in color, the Shoo-fly Pillow, looks right at home with some of the projects I made for Fresh Quilting which include several of my hand dyes.
I like that pillow there. Maybe it should live there until it's Quilt Market time?


Maureen Cracknell Handmade said...

I love the pillow and I LOVE these fabrics!!!

Anonymous said...

Your pillow looks great - I can't wait to find your fabrics in my LQS!

I don't seem to be able to adjust to how long it takes me to do things either - never fails to take much longer than I think it will :)

Enjoy the process, right?

anniem said...

The pillow looks too cozy to move right now...buuuuut if it's looking for some vacay time I know of a household that would love to host it....just sayin'. I'm jonesin' for some of your fabric line Malka, can't wait for it to be available.

Patricia said...

I agree with Maureen---I LOVE, LOVE your fabrics. Sure hope they are going to be somewhere where I can purchase them! You sorta got me started dyeing fabric---but I don't think I will be designing fabrics. Congrats again!

carol said...

Awesome! Are you sure you don't want to send me some tiny little hunks of that new stuff so I can play too? I would LOVE you forever!! Really, I would!

Cindra said...

Can't wait until these are available!

Laura said...

I am loving the new fabric! Can't wait!

Janine @ Rainbow Hare said...

Wow! All of them look fantastic. I'm so pleased the moda versions keep the authenticity of the hand dyed (I hope that makes sense):)

Unknown said...

I have major fabric envy! That pillow is just perfect. I love it.

meli B said...

Looks gorgeous. You must be very pleased with how well the prints have come out.

GerryART said...

Malka, I am in love all over again.
I loved this pattern when we did the kit from Marmalade Fabrics AND when I used fabrics from my stash.
And, Now, you've presented us with this creation of all creations.
Love, L♥VE
I want,I want, I NEED ! ! !

Margaret said...

Love it! Do we really have to wait 6 months for this fabric?!

skye said...

Oh, yes! The pillow has found its home!
Every year I go to Houston with a "major purchase" item in my mind, &, honestly, I think a big bag full of your collection is *it* for this year!! These are so incredibly wonderful!!!

Darcy said...

That makes me even more excited for your fabric to be released! Wheee!

Letterpress said...

Congratulations on your fabric line--I'll be looking for it when it comes out. I'm not a fabric dyer (can't do everything) but I love the look of it. So you can bet I'll be making a home for your fabrics. Thanks for the heads up!

Elizabeth E.

Debbie said...

Darling! And your fabrics are just lovely! ON the list!!