By we, I mean all of us, but identifying our mutual love of color is not the reason for my post. This is:
If you're asking what this is, then you're in for a most pleasant surprise. This is the cover to a wonderful, new book put together by the talented people at Stash Books and the equally talented people at Robert Kaufman fabrics, makers of Kona cotton solids.
In the interest of full disclosure here, I should tell you that I am one of the 16 designers lucky enough to have a quilt in this book, but that's not entirely why I love it and am recommending it.
The concept for this book is brilliant because it focuses on a very, simple idea: designing and crafting modern quilts using just solids. That allows for a couple of things: first, the contemporary look so many of us are drawn to is really at it's best when rendered in solids. Solids let the designers and makers focus on shape and line and all those fabulous elements of design rather than get caught up and distracted by prints. Second, Kona encompasses so many color choices that you won't have a problem finding colors that work together and are really not limited by the solids-only approach, but actually liberated by it.
And, if you weren't already blown away by the plethora of colors available to you from this collection, hold on to your quilted hat because Robert Kaufman fabrics is introducing 28 new colors, including this intense, rich blue, Regal. I love this color almost as much as I love pistachio (here,I am referring to a color, but I want the record to show that I love pistachio in all its forms including the ice cream variation).
If you're still grasping your hat then you're ready to receive the next bit of information I'm throwing your way. Stash and Robert Kaufman fabrics are giving away two fabulous prizes: a copy of the book and a bundle of the new Kona colors. I know. I know. Be still my heart.
What do you, lovely reader, have to do to win that prize. Well, I'm going to ask for something a little out of the ordinary prefaced by a brief explanation.
The quilt I designed for the book is called the Sweet as Pi Baby Quilt. It's a simple-to-make round quilt. I like shaped quilts; I think you'll like them too. I also love the play on words of Pi meaning 3.14 and the means to determining the size of a circle and its homonym, pie, which I can eat in copious amounts. So, if you'd like to be entered into the drawing for the book and fabric bundle, tell me what you favorite pie is. If you have a link to an online recipe, all the better, though it won't influence your chances in this totally random drawing.
If you'd like more info and to see the tour schedule, click here of here if you'd like to view and, hopefully, join the flickr group to show off your own We Love Color creations.
I think that's it. Go forth and be colorful, my friends!
1 – 200 of 228 Newer› Newest»Pecan pie is my all-time favorite. I can hardly wait to see your round quilt in this book and the colors you've chosen for it.
My favourite pie is a western Canadian prairie traditional pie called Flapper Pie. It is a meringue topped, graham cracker crusted pie with a lovely creamy vanilla custard filling. Delish! Check out a recipe here.
Thanks for the super wonderful giveaway, I would be over the moon with excitement to win (Maybe I'd mail you some flapper pie in thanks, LOL!).
favorite pie, really? i don't know if i have just one. i've already made two blueberry pies this summer with fresh-picked blueberries. but i NEED to make a key lime pie...just for the heck of it. let's see, pecan is great. especially if it's a chocolate pecan pie! i could go on and on. :) by the way, i love pistachio, too. in fact, it was my birthday two days ago, and my mom gave me a big huge bag of them. :)
i gotta go with the classic pumpkin pie as my fave.
there's something about a simple apple pie with a crumb top that satisfies every time.
Blackberry pie is the best, and this simple recipe is terrific!
For me, it's a tie between chocolate pecan and coconut cream pie. Now I'm hungry!
My favourite pie must be apple pie with lots of cinnamon served hot with a big helping of vanilla ice cream!
Must be blueberry! Can taste it already.
I love Blackberry and Apple pie made with a simple shortcrust pastry and have done so since I was a little girl. Very nice with custard.
My very favorite pie is Cherry (Cerise, in the new R. K. collection of 28 colors).
Definitely Apple pie. With vanilla ice cream.
Apple pie warm from the oven with a crumb topping and a scoop of vanilla ice cream on the side - YUM!
I have a recipe from an old Hershey's cookbook that is my favorite. It's called Chocolate Bavarian Pie. I checked online and found a link here
I love peanut butter pie with chocolate crust... it's like a big Reese's cup!
favorite pie would have to be my grandmas apple pie
I'd have to say that our family's all-time favorite is Shoo-fly pie. However, Pecan or Blueberry Crumb come in close behind :)
Favorite pie? I have to choose just one? (warm with a scoop of vanilla ice cream). BTW....if I don't win this book, I am definetly buying it. It needs to be in my quilting library! Thanks...Connie in California
Shoo-Fly pie for me!
I love chocolate cream pie. The one at Marie Callendars is good :)
My favorite is cherry. Although, apple, pumpkin, Edward's Turtle, key lime and lemon meringue are pretty good too. It's almost as hard as picking your favorite color : )
I love Sour Cream Raisin Pie. YUMMINESS! I wish I could find Grandma's recipe, but it's been misplaced. :((
I love Key Lime Pie best...and the colors of key lime pie, too.
We recently discovered the Marshmallow Booze Pie formula. There are many versions online, most billed as Grasshopper Pie, but you can use any liquor with the same proof as Creme de Menthe. You melt down marshmallows with a little milk, cool it off in the fridge, and then mix in (homemade and real) whipped cream with your booze of choice, and pour it into a cookie crust. Baileys and Butterschnapps are a favorite here. =)
Too many pies to choose just one! I guess if I have to narrow it down it'd probably be Key Lime. Yummy! Thanks for the chance... alonzoteressa(at)hotmail(dot)com.
I love peach pie. If only I could make one as good as the pies my grandmother made when I was little.
My very favorite pie is banana cream pie. Made with banana pudding not vanilla. I have also alwayvs preferred graham cracker crust to regular crust. That is until I became a girl scout leader and I read that old women will buy a supply of shortbread cookies and freeze them to use as shortbread cookie crusts! Oh my!!!! I have never looked back! Banana cream pie, with banana pudding and shortbread cookie crumb crust! A couple years ago, while at a Bible study, one of the ladies brought this . I can't even put into words how decadent it is! It is so easy, too! I don't even want to know how many calories, because once I start eating-it's on! I'm drooling as I write! I think I need to go to the store! This is a MUST TRY!
I just love cherry pie with freshly whipped cream
Any pie my sister makes.
i love a lot of pies, but this one is nice and simple and uses blackberries, which are literally weeds here in oregon!¢er=276943&gallery=274938&slide=256680
I love homemade strawberry pie with this simple crust-
1 cup of flour, 1 stick of margarine and a TB of sugar mixed in the pie plate and cooked for 40-50 minutes at 300.
Something about the first strawberry pie makes the beginning of summer official!
Look forward this book.
My dad and I had the same favorite pie - sour cream raisin with a great big meringue top! I miss my dad.
Cherry pie.....haven't made one myself but I love it.
Pumpkin pie! I love it. I could eat it all year, but restrain myself, b/c I also love the excitement when it's FINALLY pumpkin pie season!
My favorite pie? Well, I love Chocolate Cream Pie, Cherry Pie, Dutch Apple Pie, but I guess it might be Cheesecake with Sour Cream Topping. It's really easy, and delish! You could also not use the topping and top it with fresh fruit.
Classic Cheesecake w/Sour Cream Topping
Preheat oven to 350°
Graham Cracker Crust, unbaked
3 eggs, lightly beaten
2 pkgs (8 oz each) cream cheese, room temperature
2/3 cup sugar
Dash of salt
½ tsp vanilla
Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl, and beat at medium speed for about 3 minutes. Pour the mixture into the pie crust, bake in pre-heated 350o oven for about 30 minutes or until the cheesecake is set in the center. Remove from the oven and let cool for about 20 minutes before adding the topping.
1 cup sour cream
3 tbsp sugar
1 tsp vanilla
Whisk all the topping ingredients together. Pour over the top of the baked cheesecake. Bake at 350o for 10 more minutes. Cool to room temperature on a wire rack, then refrigerate for several hours before serving.
This recipe can be doubled and baked in a 9” or 10” springform pan. Increase the baking time from 30 minutes to about 45 minutes.
It IS hard to decide, especially since I like the crust best of all! But apple is my favorite.
Cherry pie is my fave.
My mother made the most wonderful Pecan Praline Pie - it is my favorite!!
My favourite pie is a French lemon pie.
Currently in love with strawberry rhubarb. But apple is definitely one of my faves too! I celebrate pi day every year! amatricis(at)yahoo(dot)com
Pi is my birthday, March 14! My favorite pie is my mom's apple. We had two apple trees in our yard, so we had a lot of pies.
My favorite is apple cranberry pie with pecan caramel sauce! I like the colors applegreen and berry red as well as the taste....
Now I need pie. My favorite is good ol' apple pie.
My favorite- Chocolate Pudding Pie..thanks so much!
So many pies to love! A pecan pir is really good!
I have to go with Boston Cream Pie. Yummo!
If I could have any piece of pie I wanted right now, it would be coconut cream. Mmmmmmmmmm Thanks for the giveaway.
My favorites are coconut cream pie and cherry pie!
I love Cherry Pie! Yummmm.
My favourite pie will always be homity pie from Cranks restaurant in Dartington, Devon, UK.
Cheese and potato with shortcrust pastry. Real comfort food!
Cherry! or Key Lime! Can I have both? Strawberry-Rhubarb is so good, too.
I love my grandma's chocolate cream pie, with a heaping pile of Redi-Whip on top.
That's easy...pecan pie, preferably, Dear Abby's recipe which her daughter occasionally publishes but I'm sure you could find it elsewhere.
It's a Hawaiian favorite - chocolate haupia - from Ted's bakery, preferably. Chocolate mousse and coconut custard. so yummy!
Key lime, hands-down!?
Hmmmmm this is a toughie, but I think its mississippi mud pie.
My favorite has to be cherry pie, with some homemade vanilla ice cream on top, of course
Rhubarb...hold the strawberries.
Fave pie is merseyside meat pie, an English creation is my favorite.
It's a toss-up between pumpkin and lemon meringue.
Oh, there are so many pies to love! (Much like colors!) But if I could only have one pie...I think it would have to be apple, with grated cheddar cheese cut into the crust with the butter, and lots of cinnamon and a hint of ginger. Mmmmm.
That's an easy question!! My favorite pie is Peanut Butter pie. I am a PB fanatic!! Here's a recipe for it:
It's sooooo good!
Thanks for the chance!
This time of year in central Texas there is one pie that beats all others - PEACH pie. It's my favorite summer pie. Of course I am fickle and in the fall I love apple.
Thanks for the wonderful give away.
When you live in central Texas, there is one kind of pie that beats all others in the summer - peach pie! That one is my all time favorite.
Thanks for hosting this wonderful give away.
How to pick one favorite pie? Hmmm... I guess I'd have to go with cherry. French Silk is pretty high on the list too :)
It has to be Strawberry and Rhubarb pie, with a large helping of vanilla ice cream! Yummy! Thanks for hosting such a brilliant giveaway :)
I really love what I've seen about this wonderful book so far and who wouldn't love to win those gorgeous fabrics? !!
This is a recipe I found a few years ago and I have to say this is THE most incredible pie recipe. And how fitting that the blog post it came from talks about National Pi Day :) Even if you don't love coconut cream pies, please keep an open mind and make at least one of these! Trust me. SOOOOOOOOOOO good. I've converted those visiting my house that hate coconut pies once they've had some of this. I have to make two at a time of this pie and don't skimp - use that real freshly whipped cream.
Amazing stuff
My favorite is blackberry. As in Pacific Northwest small blackberries. No link, just a much loved,worn out recipe card with my Mom's recipe.
Blueberry cherry pie! A nice combo of the two flavors. I also like it as jam.
Hi! My favorite pie is PECAN. I don't get to have it very much because it's so rich but I love it! Thanks for the chance to win!!
I love homemade pecan pie!! Of course, there are lots of pies I like.
Apple pie! Yum!
Pumpkin is my favorite. I make it with about 2/3 eggnog to 1/3 evaporated milk. This makes it really rich. You have to bake it about 15 min. longer than normal.
Honestly, I am not sure which is my favourite pie. It could be blueberry, cherry or lemon meringue pie depending on the day. Thank you for a fun giveaway. Looking forward to seeing your round quilt.
Banana Cream!!!
Blueberry pie, in Maine, overlooking the ocean!
Overall favorite pie is the pecan pie that my mother makes. During the summer, I like strawberry pie.
grape or lemon or strawberry or pumpkin or key lime. actually I like all those colours too! thanks for a chance to win!
I really love apple pie
Gosto TORTA-ALEMÃ,muita manteiga creme de leite e biscoitos.Hummm...Se eu ganhar além de fazer(copiar)estas colchas eu já tenho um projeto só com sólidos,me aguarde...Obrigada e bençãos a
My very favorite is Pecan Pie!!!
We love June because we can have strawberry/rhubarb pie. I do grow my own rhubarb and have had it a few times in the form of a 'crunch' and we also we to pick strawberries last weekend and at the farm they said they just stopped picking on Tuesday! Well, I decided to plant my own plants so now one of our raised beds are full of plants!
If your competition is open to international readers, my favourite pie is cherry pie with whole juicy cherries in it, yum!
How about chocolate bisquit roll! Thank you!
Flan de turrón,delicious.One recipe here:
Chocolate cream!
Anita T.
Japanese Fruit Pie...its so yummy!
I love pie!!! My favorite, Apple Cheesecake pie :) And funny side note on pie. My daughter was born on Pie - March 14th at 1:50 in the year 09 About as close to pi as you can get
Oh mmm pie! I just made pumpkin for my husband last week because he really likes it, but my favorite is lemon meringue, and I just make the recipe on the Argo cornstarch box!
Chocolate Pecan daughter's favorite that I make for holidays!
Thanks bunches for the giveaway!
French silk pie with a shot of Chambord. YUM!
I love peach pie. Now that you've got me thinking about it, I may just have to make one this weekend.
Pecan or Strawberry Pie - Thanks!
My favourite pie is a savoury one. I love egg and bacon pie. I also love a traditional apple pie.
Fiona Sanderson
Not sure you would classify this as a pie, but I love Palova (first introduced to it in Australia) with passion fruit drizzled over the meringue and other fruit tropical fruits!
I loved what you said about solids helping you feature the design rather than the prints!
Cherry pie is my favorite. Thanks for the giveaway
Warm cherry pie with vanilla ice cream on top !
I think my favorite pie is generally whatever is on my plate. :) But I'm especially fond of peach, cherry, key lime, and pecan.
winterwrens at gmail dot com
My favorite pie is Strawberry Rhubarb which is in season!!
There is is a great recipe at King Arthur Flour
I LOVE pie!! Usually, I would say lemon meringue but right now my red raspberries are producing and I've made a FRESH raspberry pie (berries are not cooked) and it is heavenly. Do you want to come over for a slice of pie? I'd share...
Pumpkin pie!
My favorite pie: easy it is mixed berry crumble pie that I make best pie I ever ate. If you want to make one send me an email and I will write it out. The mixed berries are blueberries and strawberries. Comlisajohnson(at)gmail(dot)com
rhubarb pie. however, this summer my daughter made 'blueberry bars' using this recipe, but replacing cherries with blueberries: it is not a pie, but i think i prefer it to pie. it has a crumb 'topping' for a crust and for the top. so far we've made it with cherries and blueberries, and i think you could do it with rhubarb, too!
My favourite pie is Sour Cherry pie, it is sweet & tart at the same time & completely delicious. Thanks for the chance to win this amazing prize.
Oh goodness, that is an easy one!! Rhubarb custard pie is my all time favorite!!
Homemade pecan pie
I like so many pies--although sometimes without the crust. The one I'm longing for right now (because I haven't had it since I moved away from the South) is chess pie.
Pumpkin Pie! And lots of whipped cream!!! Yum! Erin
Blue berry pie is my favourite. thanks for a chance to win the book and fabric
Fresh peach pie is my favorite pie, but I like lots of pie.
Hands down, coconut cream. Although I have to put in a plug for any pie beginning with the words "sour cream". For our birthdays (which are a day apart), my "other" dad and I used to enjoy sour cream cherry and sour cream rhubarb pies. That is a sweet memory in several ways.
wordygirl at earthlink dot net
lemon merangue pie is, and always has been, my favorite pie. after all these years, i no longer bake them. sigh.
mmmmmmmmmm, love me some coconut cream! I would love to have that book! Thanks for the giveaway :)
I love all of the quilts in this book. I've never made a round quilt. I think I need to do that. I only make two kinds of pie. One because the fruit is free and the other because it is my all time lifelong fav. The first is blackberry and the second is pumpkin. From scratch. With honey, not sugar (I use the Moosewood recipe). Yum to the extreme!
I love lemon icebox pie. I wish I had the recipe myself! Just thinking about it almost makes me drool, kind of like that bundle of new solids. Thanks for the chance to win.
Raspberry rhubarb. Mmmm!!
All these pies sound delicious. I'm going to have to visit one day to try them. We just don't have them in Wales. I make a mean blackberry and apple when the fruit is all ripe in Autumn but when I read the competition my first thought was for a savoury pork pie.Hand raised pastry and slow grown hand raised pigs from a friend of mine.
Another great quilt book to add to my wish list. Thank you.
My favorite pie hands down is four berry! It is a mix of blueberries, rasberries, strawberries, blackberries....yum!!
I like key lime pie and lemon chiffon pie. Funny about that, I love the colours lime and lemon too! What an inventive question for a fantastic giveaway! Thank you, Malka.
Favourite pie, that's easy - it is Apple Crisp because I do not care for pie crust! But I love the idea of fabric and a new book!
I love Chess pies - my favorite kind is Coconut Chess, but a very close second is Lemon Chess. Here's a link to an interesting variation:
Thanks for the chance to win.
Apple - and they have to be sliced not diced!
As a maths nerd I also have a love of Pi! As for pie I love Bakewell pudding - not strictly a pie but it's delicious!
Apple pie made with old-fashioned Wealthy apples! Jerilynn
My mom's apple pie. I can't eat any other apple pie anymore. Good thing my 13 year old nephew is learning how to make it so it will stay in the family for generations.
My favorite pie is blueberry made with fresh piced berries. Yum. Thanks for the chance at your wonderful giveaway.
Rhubarb,prune plum, green apple, raspberry. All tied for first place, but many others follow them. mmmmmm pie.
I love all kinds of pie. I think my favorite is strawberry-rhubarb.
I have to say, I think apple pie is my absolute favourite. Warmed up with a big scoop of vanilla ice cream...mmmmmm
I love lots of pies, but picking one... peach/apricot. Though strawberry/rhubarb is a close second. And apple is good too. With ice cream.
If you think I am going to say Pumpkin Pie because it is healthy you're wrong. I like the ooiest-gooiest pie I can find. Usually a cream cheese, cream pie with lots of whipping cream.
My favorite pie is Kentucky Derby Bourbon Chocolate Walnut Pie. Several years ago, I was lucky enough to attend the Kentucky Derby every year at Derby time I make this pie to revisit that memorable trip. Try it at American
The new book looks inviting!! Can't wait to see it and your quilt. Your color combinations are always so clever and fresh!
I am very excited about this book because I definitely love solids! I am actually not a big pie person (I know, I know)...but I do love pumpkin pie!
My favourite pie is rhubarb, and my grandmother made the best. My best memory is visiting her when I was 15 and eating her rhubarb pie for breakfast. Grandmas are the best.
Pineapple pie has been a recent favorite but all time I would go with banana cream!
I've loved reading all about your pies, such strange and wonderful combinations that we simply don't have in the UK. My favourite sweet pie is banoffie but as I am very much a savoury girl my favourite pie of all is Steak and Kidney pie with a flakey pastry top.
The book looks wonderful.
I love a plain old Shepard's Pie. Meat on the inside and mash on top. It has to be bought from the pie shop and eaten when its too hot so that I manage to burn some part of my mouth.
Favourite pie ... lemon meringue pie
Chocolate pie hands down!
Hard to choose between lemon meringue,
buttermilk (,
and banoffee (
sounds like a great book, love solids but haven't worked with them much since I love prints so much. my favorite pie is from Marie Callender's lemon cream cheese, haven't had it in forever though!
My favorite pie is strawberry pie. Thanks for the giveaway!
Lemon Meringue Pie is my favorite!
Reading these comments is torture; the bakery is closed for the night!
I think my favorite is whatever I can concoct from the ingredients currently in my pantry.
Rhubarb would be my choice. Unfortunately here in Singapore rhubarb is very, very expensive where at home (Switzerland) it grows like a weed in my mum's garden.
Great giveaway; I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
Apple. Can't wait to see the book.
my favorite pie is chocolate cream ... yummmy I LOVE the book and have plans for kitting up fabrics to make a few of the patterns already. If I happen to be fortunate enough to win the book, I'll be sending it to my mother who also quilts.
My favourite has to be apple and custard pie, that is, the custard is inside the pie along with the apple. And what an amazing prize on offer.
My favorite pie is Chess pie. It is an old southern favorite. To me it is basically Pecan pie, without the pecans.
This is a wonderful giveaway -- thanks!!!
My favorite pie of all is apple, in it's many forms. I had a birthday pie last month instead of cake and the apple pie had caramel on top! Yum!
Cherry pie a la mode for me, please.
I can't decide between cherry or apple. I know it sounds wierd but the apple pie here at Costco is to die for. Yummmm
Thank you for a super giveaway and a chance to win. The book sounds awesome.
Well, considering that I don't eat pie, I'll say that my son's favorite is cherry pie. He made one on Friday and I have photos and will probably write a blog post tomorrow! Fantastic color while he was cooking the cherries!
I love key lime pie!
My favorite pie is the kind that is served under ice cream!!!
Pecan pie is, without a doubt, the best pie. Make it into chocolate pecan pie, and you have a total winner! I like the color pistachio too!
I love blueberry pie :)
Mmmmm, pie! All these comments have me craving pie, and where to begin? Fresh peach or strawberry? Rhubarb or berry pie? Key Lime or banana cream? I love a good pie!
I love fruit pies, and if pushed to choose just one I'd have to say cherry - speaking of color. There is nothing quite as gorgeous as a slice of bright red cherry pie with a rich vanilla ice cream slowly melting off the top:). And your idea of using solid fabrics is wonderful. I get all caught up in the patterns and colors which make up a fabric, but I do think you're right that the design can get lost. Thank you for the food for thought! And congrats on your part in the book.
Lemon Meringue - for sure!! Thank you for the awesome giveaway!
Ok, pie is my favorite dessert, so I can't say I have just one favorite. Top ones, though, are cherry, blackberry, pecan and lemon meringue.
I love your Pi quilt explanation!
Hmmm - favorite pie? It would have to be an apple and rhubarb pie, complete with my homegrown rhubarb - I just love the sweet and tangy combination of flavours.
Thx for the chance to win - can't wait to get my hands on a copy of the book - won or purchased - it looks so inspiring!
My absolute favorite pie is pumpkin!!! I love, love, love it!
Frozen Strawberry Margarita Pie: I leave out the spirits and it is my kids favorite pie as well.
That would have to be key lime - yum!
Key line is my favorite!
Lemon meringue pie!
Lemon meringue or maybe cherry. Hard to pick.
Strawberry rhubarb pie is my favorite, hands-down. There's just something about the sweet-tart flavor.
Blueberry pie is my favorite.
Pecan, make 2 - one with maple syrup one with chocolate. Love the browns and amber color of it too!
Pumpkin pie, all the way.
oh....Blueberry Pie with Vanilla ice cream of course!!!
Alright if I really have to pick a favorite I guess it will be banana cream pie! Looks like a great book!
My favorite was my Mom's Surprise Pie made with Ritz crackers and nuts and egg whites...would love to find a recipe for this!
Lovely giveaway...what fun!
Not sure if I'm too late to comment. I've been away from the computer for a few days!
I can't wait to see your Pi quilt!
My favourite pie is definitely saskatoon pie. I miss western Canada for many reasons, not the least of which is picking saskatoon berries!
Thank you for a wonderful blog!
To answer the favorite pie bit it would depend on what time of the year it is. In fall, I don't want to eat anything but pumpkin pie. But right now during summer, I can't even imagine eating a pumpkin pie! Berry pies (all kinds!) are my favorite summer pies :) They're so fruity and SO yummy!
My mom's raisin pie would have to be my all time fave. I miss my mom and her pies.
I absolutely love Pumpkin Pie with a homemade flaky crust! I must have it every fall. Thanks for the great giveaway ;)
Apple pie- and don't be trying to slip any industrial grade pie dough to me, either
I love a good Blackberry Pie!
Chocolate mousse pie!! Really anything chocolate. Thank you for the amazing giveaway. Someone is going to be so lucky!
Pumpkin pie! My mom is a master of this pie and my mouth waters for it every fall though I live too far away to eat hers and my attempts continue to fall a bit short of that custardly glory.
Key lime pie....oh how I wish I had a slice right now. Makes me think of lime and kona snow.
My favorite pie is cherry, thanks for a chance to win.
Raspberry pie...that is awesome!
Well looking down the list I am in good company. Cherry Pie with vanilla ice cream and a warm sunny afternoon on the deck.
I love pie & love to bake them !
Hard to pick a favorite....but I am partial
to all kinds of apple pie.....including a
nice warm Tarte Tatin....mmmmmmm !
Sweet potato, it is a vegetable it is good for you!
blueberry. The question reminds me of Simon and the purple crayon and his 9? favorite pies.
A diner here in Vermont makes a maple cream pie that is amazing - very mapley but not teeth curdling sweet.
My 87 year old mom's gooseberry pie and rhubarb pie. Of course, she doesn't use a recipe...just a little of this and some of that!
Apple pie is my favorite. Does that make me boring or mundane? Ah who cares, give me apple pie any day of the week!
I bought this book the minute it was opened in the quilt store I work at. I ran home and made your quilt! Please check out my blog...I just posted a picture of it. I made it for a display at the Oregon State Fair in September, but for now it will hang at Greenbaum's Quilted Forest to advertise your book. We have many, many people coming thru our store on their way to the Sisters Quilt Show so I have no doubt they will all buy your book. Thanks for the inspiration.
Pie making is one of the best skills I learned from my mom and grama, about equal to sewing. So difficult to name a favorite, but I guess I'll go with Gooseberry - because we only make it with the challenging to gather gooseberries from the farm. Sweet reward for very hard work!
Yummy! Reading this makes me want to go home and make a delicious strawberry rhubarb pie, best served with vanilla sauce!
Cherry pie is my favorite ;)
I LOVE Key Lime Pie!!!Followed closely by Frozen Lemon Pie! :D
sowingstitches [at] yahoo [dot] com
I share your love of all things pistachio. I can't get enough of that delicious flavor.
Hmm. I think my all-time favorite is lemon meringue. Although my cousin made a triple berry last year that blew my mind. I need to get that recipe.
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