Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Sometimes when I'm really thirsty I'll grab a drink of water and, because I like making silly statements, say, " I'm sure glad somebody thought to invent water." The same goes for walking into an air conditioned room on a hot day. I just feel compelled to declare, " I'm so happy someone thought to invent air conditioning."
Well, today, I'm thrilled somebody invented stitching.


  1. AMEN, sister !

    Don't try to imagine life without any one of those three you named.......it will be so depressing !

    But, especially STITCHING !......and of course, AIR CONDITIONING......and, yeh, water !

  2. I couldn't say it better myself!
    Great comments!

  3. Good point - I can't imagine how sad I'd be today if somebody hadn't thought of that :(

  4. I am also glad that stitching was invented.
    I really like doing anything with my hands and stitching is lots of fun
    Thank for sharing your sayings.

  5. I also like to do stitching , any kind is fun.
    Thanks for sharing your sayings
