Thursday, November 29, 2012


It's pretty grey here today. Usually that would bother me because I'm definitely a light-sensitive person. By that I mean I could never live in a place where the sun shone rarely or for a few brief hours for months at a time. The light in Texas is perfect for me. It's intense and sharp and almost ever-present.
Today though, it doesn't seem to be bothering me. Maybe because it's also cold outside so the grey sky feels like the right accompaniment to the temperature. It feels like soup weather and that, like days without sunshine, is pretty rare here, definitely worth savoring.


  1. Soup weather - now that strikes a cord! We have that here a lot in the winter. Much as I could not live somewhere without sunshine, I also need seasons. I am very fortunate that even on the coldest of days, if the sun is shining then our south facing terrace can be warm. Love your colours.

  2. Well,Sweden isn't a place for you then. Very dark..but snow is comming and it becomes lighter. Great!

  3. Oh boy, you wouldn't survive up here in northern NB! I'm light sensitive to. I've had to learn to bundle up and get out for my sunshine mid day. By 3 pm the sun is starting to get low.
    I love the colors in your quilt!

  4. Dang, I love your quilts. And fabric!

  5. What is the quilt on your heading? Do I see Hebrew?

  6. Oh I am missing my sewing time and warm weather. My daughter is in Killeen and I get weather reports:). Time to curl up and start the fire - good time for writing. If you have a chance stop by my blog and read about my new venture! or

  7. Ahhhh..... I live in Arizona and we do not get many grey days either. I definitely savor them too!

    Love the color in the quilt on this post!

  8. I want to be in Texas where grey is rare! The UK is bitterly cold this morning and so dark it might as well be night time :-(
