Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Morning Walk

Abi and I went on a little stroll this morning. Actually, I walked and she rode her bike alongside me. That's not to say that I walk incredibly fast or that she rides particularly slow. We each adjusted our pace so that we could motor in our chosen way and enjoy each other's company. We took some pictures along the way, manipulated them on the computer and are sharing them here.This neighbor seeded his yard with winter rye and now has the most gorgeous shade of green blanketing his front yard.

After looking at the pictures and the way we altered them, I realized that both Abi and I had created self-portraits. Hers is so true to who she is. She's always collecting things she finds no matter how humble the object. For a while she would collect nuts and bolts she found in the yard or on the street. Today's discovery is a little more appealing; a plastic butterfly.
I had originally planned to focus on photographing anything red, but maybe its too early in March to expect a lot of blooms(even in Texas) and there just aren't a lot of other things painted or stained red. There was, however, this somewhat decrepit house one street over with these wonderfully pealing windows. The house has a lot of character, but has fallen into disrepair and neglect. Thankfully, I noticed that there was a construction dumpster out front which hopefully means good times ahead for this sweet,little place.

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