Tuesday, March 6, 2007


I'm on schedule this Tuesday.A while back, someone wrote me and said they really enjoyed all my log cabin inspired pieces. Interestingly, though, I never thought about my pieces as having been influenced by the traditional log cabin pattern. After this comment, I realized just how blind I can be to the obvious. That really reinforced for me why it's so great to have fresh eyes looking at your work. They see things that you miss, even blatant things.
I combined a lot of my hand-dyed and batiked fabric with commercial fabric and my usual "I've lost my ruler" approach to piecing to make this pillow. I used Denyse Schmidt's Flea Market
fabric for the back and to make piping along the edges. I love these fabrics and am playing around with overdying them with shibori resists. I make all my pillows so that the insert can be removed and the pillow can be washed. I worry less about actually using them if I know they can be cleaned and, once the form gets a flat, I simply remove it and buy a
new one. I also used some vintage
buttons on this pillow. I think they
look beautiful with this fabric. And, now that I've used them, I guess I'll
have to go out in search of more.


  1. your work is so pretty that your pesonalaty is the only one that could ever match this wonderful work.
    Love Abi

  2. Okay Malka, your pillow made me smile so much that I saved it as my desktop wallpaper. Now I can smile at it whenever. Love your art!
    Best wishes,
