Thursday, September 6, 2007


So I want in on this alphabet meme. This morning Abi and I were writing in our journals, creating an alphabet acrostic of sorts, and I was so inspired by this that I've decided to take this on in my blog. And, in the interest of beginning at the beginning:
A is for alef-bet. My first language is Hebrew and I've always loved the way the letter s of the aleph-bet look. They're very calligraphic. I think you'll see what I mean after you watch this video clip. And, if you practice, you might just walk away knowing the aleph-bet.

Needless to say, I couldn't help but include my own interpretation of the first two letters of the Hebrew alphabet, my own aleph and bet.


  1. you could do a whole quilt like this and nobody would know what you are saying! You could write some secret phrase! I like it!

  2. I'm going to be singing "Alef Bet Vet" all day now!

  3. I think that they are both beautiful. I found your blog through your Etsy shop. I have been thinking about quilting and was looking to see what was out there already, when I saw one of your quilts. I am also an admirer of Denyse Schmidt, and noticed a slight similarity but was awstruck by your unique style. I love your colors and the patterns you create are lovely. I have experimented with dyeing fabrics and thought that I would probably need to do that to get the solid colors I want. But I am blown away by your batiquing abilities. How long have you been doing it? And how did you learn?

    You have inspired me. I'm planning on putting a link to your blog on mine. I've already shown your work to some of my family and friends, but I would like to show the rest. Let me know if that's a problem. You are a talented artist and I have enoyed getting to know your work.

  4. Millie,
    I'd love to be linked to your blog. Thanks for all your nice comments.
    I've been batiking fabric for about ten years now. I learned primarily through books and trial and error.I'm slowly putting together a batik tutorial, but am finding it difficult. There are so many little details that I just do by rote that I have to remind myself to include them in my tutorial.
