Wednesday, September 12, 2007

B is for:

Batik. I've been doing quite a lot of that lately. What's that? The batik tutorial. Uhh... haven't been working on that quite as much though I have shot a few pictures. Mostly, I've been making fabric, which, frankly would be the ideal time to take pictures for the tutorial. I'll have to keep that in mind.
Some of this fabric has already been turned into finished objects and there's actually even more completed fabric than pictured. Dyeing has been big around here lately.
These shots are the front and back of a tufted(that's a real word, right?) pillow I made with some of the fabric.

B is also for break of day.
Every morning(well, five mornings a week), I wake up before the crack of dawn to swim. Luckily, I'm on a masters swim team, so I have some company and coaching during these wee hours. Every time my alarm goes off, I grumble, but after I'm done and I'm driving home, I relish the opportunity to greet the day this way. And, I almost always see the sunrise.

B is for baking, especially bread.
Abi and I baked challah together today. We made special round challot because tonight we'll celebrate Rosh Hashannah. It's not uncommon for us to bake challah on Fridays, but on Rosh Hashannah, I use a special recipe that calls for vanilla and lots of sugar. We hope it will make for a very sweet new year. Just in case, though, we eat plenty of apples and honey.
Shanah Tovah U'metukah!


  1. B is for Beautiful! And yummmm, challa. :-)

  2. L'Shana Tova and Good Yontif to you and your family.

    I am a new member of Surface Design Yahoo Group but have been lurking. I love your blog and the work you do.

  3. Your fabrics are great! I love those green stripes.
    May you be inscribed and sealed for a good year!


  4. I'va been reading and admiring your works since some months by nowand sincerely, I love your colored fabrics, your way of putting them together in a such happy manner for the eyes...So lively and bold !
    (and I love also Challah ! I bake some once a year...for a special family treat !)
    Esther in Canada
