Monday, June 22, 2009

The dog ate it

That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.
Actually, in all fairness to my sweet puppy, she didn't eat my mini quilt this Monday. She couldn't of. I didn't make a mini for today. I've been too busy working on several projects including two big quilts. Well, one is definitely large and the other is more large-ish. I didn't want to disappoint too much, so I've taken some in progress shots of those quilts.

Sorry for the crappy lighting, but this is against a wall in what seems like a permanently dim part of my studio. Anyway, the customer who requested this quilt liked the hexagon mini I'd made in the past, but wanted hers to be a wee bit bigger. This one will measure about 36"x45" when it's all pieced. It's not really even large-ish, but something about it being constructed out of hexagons makes me think it is.

The other quilt that's been keeping me busy is this bigger version of my Nate quilt.
It too is a for a lovely customer and it was her idea to include a smattering a twinkle circles amongst the squares. I really like this idea and it's given me a chance to incorporate both large and small circles. Now that I think about it, this quilt, when finished, won't be huge either, just 60"x 90", but I think of both of these quilts as big pieces. Maybe it's all the mini quilts I've made lately or the fact that these are not the only projects I'm working on or maybe I'm shrinking and will soon join the Lilliputians?
Regardless, this is my excuse for not completing the week's mini quilt assignment.


  1. 2 very gorgeous projects.
    I especially love the second one which makes me want to make a copy cat version ... if only I had the time .... and talent.
    Andi :-)

  2. I can't imagine piecing all those hexagons! I'm tempted to try a mini hex project just to feel what you're going through! But it's going to pay off... it looks amazing!

  3. I love both quilts! Your fabrics in them are amazing. I hope you'll post photos of the completed quilts. They both make me happy just to look at them.

  4. Bold, bright, and energetic colors and patterns. Fits your hexagons and framed circle/square blocks. Both customers are going to be really pleased. I don't make quilts for pay (although I've been asked). Its takes a brave person to put yourself out there, kudos to you.

  5. Beautiful. I love the circles among the squares. Great idea.

  6. I love what you do! I look forward to Mondays to see what's new! Love the mini quilts!!!

  7. You're excused. Beautiful quilts as usual!

  8. the quilts are so beautiful - a real delight for the eyes!

  9. Who could not forgive you, considering the two amazing pieces of quilting eye - candy you are currently busy with!!
    Just outstanding!

  10. love the hexagon... is it hand pieced?

    love it. I can't stop looking at it.

    did I say I love it?

  11. I can't decide which of the two I love best!

  12. Malka, I was so in love with your project in Stitch magazine's newest issue, I have been making versions of "Tuesday Pillow" like crazy. They are not as lovely as yours, with your gorgeous fabrics, but its some happy sewing nonetheless. I will post about them next week on my blog.

    I can't wait for your book!
