Friday, June 19, 2009

Fabric as Inspiration

...for other fabric. I was browsing at a local fabric store the other day and happened upon these:

They literally caught my eye from across the store. It's no small wonder. They're simple and graphic, two things I love in almost anything, but especially in fabrics/textiles. I instantly started to think about all the things I could do with them, both as they are and after some dye and discharge manipulation. First, though, I had definite plans to over dye the red circle fabric.

And I did. And then I over dyed it with a shaped resist.

And already used some of the over dyed in a project.

Best of all the purchased fabric inspired some new patterning ideas for my own fabrics.


  1. Every single bit of this is fabulous!

  2. oh yeah, that Mingle line is beyond fabulous! these are great!

  3. Oh, my these are incredible. I love what you have done. You are so speedy...

  4. The red fabric from the Mingle collection is such a favorite! I love how you have used it! I also love your new designs. So colorful and graphic, but still so simple. Really clear colors. Beautiful.

  5. These are great. I enjoy seeing what you do with dyes, making them uniquely yours. Your own designs are so creative and bold.

  6. Very cool - and like Janet said, uniquely yours. The last photo has me thinking ketchup and mustard on a stainless steel countertop (in a good way).

  7. your quilted things are always so graphic and 3D thanks to the ingenious quilting; strange enough, it wants me take a bite ;) They look delicious and edible.


  8. Love the way your mind works. Beautiful!

  9. Lovely! So interesting to see the fabrics from inspiration through to finished product. Thanks for sharing the process!

  10. What a great idea. Thanks so much for sharing your ideas.

  11. Clever work! Inspiring!! I am so glad I ended up here! I can feel it, this will be the summer that I started quilting!

    Before I rush to the sewing mashine though, how do you "a shaped resist" ?


  12. As a Chef student i LOVE that fabric with the mmm thing for pastry lol

    Too bad we cant get those amazing designs here in Argentina!

  13. i love these new fabrics! and i adore the red circles with the overdyed yellow.

  14. I'm just in awe. I can't wait for your book to come out and to start playing more with dye myself.

  15. Hi, I just stumbled upon your
    blog, your quilts are amazing, especially the one with the circles.I love what you have done with your materials, I'm just so in awe.
