Monday, April 18, 2011

Book Winner and Sneak Peek

I feel like I'm on a compressed schedule today because tonight is the beginning of Passover. I find this sense of being rushed a little disconcerting because I'm not actually hurried today. This is the first year possibly ever that I have been invited out for both seders. It's odd and also amazingly liberating. I'm only responsible for a few side dishes. Surprisingly though I feel pressed for time. I'm guessing it's an innate response based on years of actually being pressed for time the day of the first seder.
No matter. I'm going to take a deep breath and leisurely announce the winner of Jennifer Casa's book, TYV: Crafting with Kids.
It's Katy. She wrote:

Those scribblers look too fun! I LOVE doing art projects with my boys outside. Their favorite is finger painting- usually with paints but sometimes we use edible things like jell-o and pudding. The messier the better! I'm super excited we are expecting a girl to join in our messy but super fun art projects!

Congratulations Katy! Email me your address at and I'll see to it that you get your book faster than I can clean all the endless matzah crumbs that will litter my house over the next week.

I'll be absent from this space tomorrow and Wednesday, but I'll be back on Thursday to promote a couple of things. First, I've got a new project featuring Saral transfer paper that I'll be detailing as well as hosting a giveaway of several Saral sample packs. Also, as tesimony that on the internet you can be in two places at the same time, I'll be offering a free PDF quilt pattern over at Sew, mama, sew as part of their celebration of digital delivery sewing.
In an attempt to get you all excited about that and because I took the pictures so I might as well post them, here is a sneak peek of the quilt I created.
It's called the Fish Baby Log Cabin. Any guesses as to why?


  1. Question for you. Did you machine or long arm the quilting? I recently did a quilt that spiraled out, but I only machine sew and it became too much a of a beast.In the end I had a large central spiral and then several smaller ones on the border. I would love to hear how you did it - it's gorgeous!


  2. Malka, thanks for the sneak peek.
    I finished my Kaleidoscope and it is no in the laundry.
    I've had many compliments on this table topper. I tell them it was Malka's design.
    I'm starting another this afternoon, however, I will downsize the triangles, etc., and use a FQ Bundle of Sunkissed.
    We'll see.

  3. I'm loving the spiral quilting you've been doing. So beautiful! Can't wait to see your SewMama post. Have a good Passover celebration!

  4. really beautiful! love the quilting! :)

  5. Hmm.. I don't have a guess, but I do say that the quilt is darn cute! I hope you have some tips for us on circular quilting cause I'm starting to feel the urge!

  6. The circular pattern radiating out from the center makes me think of the ripples you see in the water. The quilt is also like a giant log cabin square. It's beautiful.

  7. Could it be as simple as someone whose last name is Fish is having a baby, and you made a log cabin quilt as a gift?

  8. Lovely sneak peek! I love the spiral over the colorful shapes. I'm working on a version of "Nate's Quilt" from your book. Your work is amazing!
    Thanks for the peek!

  9. Beautiful quilt...I love the spiral quilting, though am sure this isn't close to anything I could do on my machine. Am anxious for the semester to end so I can get back to my own projects. Thank you for the peek!

  10. Chag Sameach. Love the sneak peak. I've just ordered your book on line as a birthday present to me! Can't wait for it to arrive.

  11. Hmm, because the colors were inspired by a photo of a fish egg under a microscope?

  12. Love! are you using searsucker for the quilt back and the pillow body? I have much of it and was planning on using it very shortly to quilt with. If it is, I can't stand how weird it is we go on the same wavelength sometimes....

  13. The colors and textures of this quilt are so appealing and beautiful. I would love to be there to touch it. Everything about it is great. good work!

  14. I like your beautiful work and I congratuale the
    have a good day
    tijeras y cuchara

  15. After seeing this quilt I finally understand when someone says they want "movement" in their quilt. This is lovely!
