Thursday, April 21, 2011

Fish Baby's Sweet Dreams

As I mentioned on Monday my Fish Baby Log Cabin quilt is featured today at Sew, Mama, Sew and along with a free PDF of the pattern the folks at Sew, Mama, Sew are offering 20% off my other downloadable patterns. Interested? Check it out here.

As to why I called the pattern the Fish Baby Log Cabin, I made the quilt as a gift for my swim coach Andrea Fischer, aka Fish. She and her husband are expecting a baby and I love to make and give handmade gifts. Perfect combination.
I also mentioned on Monday that I had a new Saral Paper project to show off as well as a giveaway of some Saral Paper sample packs.

I really debated about what I wanted to make this time with my roll of Saral transfer paper. I knew I still wanted to work with text but I also wanted to be able to stitch that text without the stopping and starting that the previous project called for. In addition I wanted the finished item to be useable in my home or on my body.
To that end I came up with this:

Like the potholder project I began by writing my text on the wrong side of the transfer paper as it was positioned on top of my fabric. Because the right side is coated with a transfer powder, my handwritten text was easily readable on the fabric. I then machine stitched the words using the transferred letters as my guide. This time however I didn't break off thread in between words but stitched ellipse-like shapes to move from word to word.
I'm calling this project the Sweet Dreams pillow sham because, with a nod to the Eurythmics, I repeated the phrase, "Sweet dreams are made of these." 
I sewed my embroidered panel to a wonderfully soft cotton stripe, backed the pillow with another cotton print, and lined the stitched sections with a cotton muslin. Top that off with a bit of Kona cotton in turquoise as a binding along the pillow opening and there you have it.
So, what say you? Are you ready to try some transfer paper? Because if you are, I've got 5(yes 5) sample packs to giveaway. These sample packs have an assortment of transfer papers that will allow you to experiment on all color of fabrics. This stuff works with both machine and hand embroidery and when you're done stitching, it washes out, so nobody knows it was even ever there.
Here's a thought: download the free quilt PDF and then when you're done, use the transfer paper to make a beautifully "handwritten" label.  Or download the free quilt PDF and decorate some of the strips with stitched poetry or silly sentiments. The sky's the limit. So leave a comment and I'll announce the winners on Sunday.


  1. Love the use of the transfer paper for text! The possibilities are amazing!

  2. Oh, man! I love adding freehand elements to my embroidery! So awesome! I might have to look into some of this if I don't win. =)

  3. Thanks for the information. I have not heard about this and would just love to give it a try... Thanks for the info and the opportunity. :-)

  4. I hunted for some of this on my last trip to the city -- without any luck. Love a chance to win a sample pack! Thank you

  5. What a fabulous way to transfer text. I am itching to have a go! Please include me in your giveaway.

  6. I love that quilt and those pillow cases! I'm thinking wedding gifts for this summer...I've got lots of friends getting married.

  7. what a neat idea! would love handwritten labels on all my quilts.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Your pillowcase is absolutely brilliant! i can't wait to try this stuff. Thanks for sharing your ideas with all of is out here!

  10. I love the full view of this quilt!
    The borders around each color makes this one special.

    I'm working on my second Kaleidoscope. BTW, my Kaleidoscope brought many, many compliments at Quilt Guild Tuesday evening. Thanks, Malka.

    Saral paper sounds like it is a mind stretcher. How many ways can we find to use it. : ^ )

    I'd love to be lucky enough to win your generous giveaway, Malka.


  11. I love that you made a beautiful quilt for the swim coach. I also love quilting with words and thing the transfer paper pack might make that better than my previous methods.

  12. Really like your pillow, the text looks completey freehand, I guess that you must get great detail from the transfer paper.
    Your projects are just beautiful.

  13. Your quilt is fabulous - great color choices! And I'd love to experiment with the transfer paper.

  14. i would love to try out some saral paper!

  15. your work is a joy to behold. I have not heard of Saral paper but the possibilities seem endless.

  16. I have some Saral transfer paper already, I might start using it to create quilt labels. Love the name of your Fish Baby quilt!

  17. What a great use for the saral paper...and I love that beautiful little quilt for your friends baby. Nothing like a handmade gift!
    Please put me down in your draw, I'd love to have a play around with this.

    Jacdky xox

  18. Yes, quilt labels would be a wonderful use of the transfer paper, I agree.

    Thx for the chance to win.

  19. And whom am I to disagree? ;) Love this idea!

  20. Hi Malka, First of all I LOVE your Fish Baby log cabin quilt. The colors are so fresh! The transfer paper looks pretty cool too. I think there are lots of ways to have fun with this. Thanks for the opportunity.

  21. now I get the Fish Baby reference! It is a great quilt! The idea of the transfer paper is really intriguing - I would love to try it out - pick me! Pick me!

  22. Your quilts have such a fresh and sunny look! The Eurythmics are still rocking my world. Keep up the wonderful work.

  23. I'd love to try some of the Saral paper. Looks like a lot more possibilities than the transfer pencil I have! Love the quilt, too.

  24. I'd absolutely love to! Your pillowcase is beautiful. I can't imagine stitching such tiny text.

  25. I'm excited to go check out your pattern! I love your quilt. :) I am also so excited to try the transfer sheets! I am just starting out with free motion quilting, and it would be great to practice words! (Especially because then I can put my baby's name in her quilt when I finish it up!) Thanks for the chance to win some!

  26. I am doing a machine embroidery course this year. Maybe Saral could be something I could share with the other students.

  27. i'm so interested in transfer paper. i've only used a transfer pencil to commit my designs to fabric. thanks for the chance to win!

  28. oh the places I could go with that paper...

  29. Fantastic giveaway...I really need to try that transfer paper...the pens just aren't working for me lately!

  30. This Saran paper is just what I was looking for the label of my wedding quilt! Would love to win.

  31. Fishy quilt is gorgeous and the paper looks interesting. I freehand writing on my quilts and hope for the best but this looks pretty cool.

  32. What a wonderfult product, I love quilting with words and this makes it so easy. Your quilt for the swim coach is beautiful.

  33. Great quilt! I never heard of this paper before. It looks interesting!

  34. Wow Iv not heard of this stuff before reading your blog!! It looks amazing

  35. I still have some of the old style transfer paper that I use. I'd love to try this one! Thanks for counting me in, Malka.

  36. I really really want to get my hands on this wonderful paper.

  37. Wow! I'm impressed with the transfer paper. Would love to give it a try. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!

  38. I love writing on a project and I'd love to try this Saral paper. It's not something I would find locally.

  39. I've never heard of this, but love the idea! I've already printed out the quilt pattern and can't wait to try it. Thank you so much!
    Evin5 at aol dot com

  40. I didn't know there was such a product on the market. Thanks for the education. I would love to experiment with some!

  41. I love the idea of using the transfer paper to trace my moms recipe in her writing!!!

  42. Thanks for the giveaway, Malka! I've been yearning to transfer some of my "Big Kids" (preschoolers) artwork onto fabric for display in our classroom. My latest favorite is an awesome T-Rex with a wide smiling mouthful of jagged teeth saying "R-O-R" ("roar", get it?! I love 4 year old spelling!) Thanks for the inspiration you provide.

  43. What a neat idea!! I can't wait to try this ... It would make a great quilt label, too! Thanks!!

  44. The transfer paper would be really nice for quilt labels. And I just wanted to tell you that I really like the colors you chose for the 'Fish Baby' quilt- very striking!

  45. Yes, please...I would love to use the transfer paper. Love the "fish" quilt..

  46. Very cool! And, btw, love your newest book.

  47. Count me in--would love to try the word tranfer.

  48. This looks great! Love the colors you used for the Fish Baby quilt!

  49. Your Sweet Dreams pillow is beautiful, and I'd love a chance to win some of this very cool transfer paper!

  50. This transfer paper looks like it works just wonderfully, judging from how great your project looks. I'd love to win some to try, as I do a lot of embroidery.

  51. Love this idea! Think I will make pillow cases to send off with my daughter to her freshman year of college! Thanks, erin

  52. I'd love to try this - I haven't seen it yet in the UK!

  53. wow, i would love to give this a try. thanks for hosting the give away. i think that i'd have to practice lots to stay ontop of the writing when stiching. is it very tricky?

  54. this sounds like a really kool project! i have seen this stuff in quilt shops but didnt quite know what to do with it...heres hoping...
    i love your books by the way, have both. finally got a perfect pot to melt my soy way flaskes, now i just have to go for it, probably when i get back from my six week visit to kauai...yipee...

  55. Fish baby's quilt is lovely!
    And I really like your idea of adding text to pillow shams - that would be fun to try!
    And thanks to your post, that Eurythmics song is stuck in my mind now :-D

  56. the transfer paper looks like a ton of fun-- i'd love a chance to play around with it.

  57. Sweet dreams are made of transfer paper. I have great appreciation for your work and your words. Thanks, Malka

  58. This stuff sounds wonderful- and it looks wonderful too, great pillow! I'd like a transfer product that washes away completely, I already have a few projects in mind.

  59. I'd love to try some of the Saral paper.

  60. Oh, that Saral Paper just looks like the perfect thing! And what a great idea to "sign" a quilt in that way!

  61. This is way cool. I love text in quilts.

  62. I'd love to try this product. Ideas keep coming to me!

  63. Ready ... let's go! (ps: I have written to you privately; check your spam folder perhaps? ...)

  64. I have never heard of this and I love giving new things a try. So even if i don't win, I'm gonna give it a try.

  65. It almost impossible to find transfer paper where I live. So it would be great to get some, if the giveaway is open to international participants :)

  66. What a fascinating technique! I'd love to give it a whirl.

  67. You are amazing... Love, Love seeing what surprises you come up with next!

  68. Oh, I love, love, love your quilt!

    And I'd love the chance to win the Saral transfer paper! It's been on my list of things to pick up.

  69. this looks really interesting and fun. Would love to try a sample pack.

  70. Wonderful quilt! I've never heard of this paper before...sounds amazing and inspiring!

  71. I've never, ever, won any giveaway. boy oh boy, that Saral paper looks awesome!! I can't wait to try it myself.

  72. Your cursive is so beautiful. Great idea to put ellipses in between words.

  73. How cool! I would love to try this.

  74. Sounds like fun! I'd love to try some transfer paper.

  75. the transfer paper sound intriguing. Would love to give it a try.

  76. What a gorgeous quilt and pillowcase, I've got a rainbow quilt in my to-do list that os a similar pattern, maybe I will stitch "somewhere over the rainbow" randomly onto sections. Thanks for the inspiration

  77. Oh, I love this idea. You have very nice handwriting. It looks great!
    Thanks for the chance to win! Have a great day!

  78. would love to try the transfer papers..opens up a world of opportunity

  79. Thanks for all of the instructions on how this product works. It sounds like something I could use with my Art. Thanks for the chance to win some too!

  80. ~ Malka, I've only just 'found' you via one of your books. Realize it's somewhat late for this request..but, I would love to try that new transfer paper. Thank you for offering..even if 'all out'. Caroline
