This is an absolutely fabulous book. I can't recommend it enough. The amazing thing about the book is that, rather than just providing you with patterns, it teaches you how to draft a pattern based on your measurements. The book is full of helpful hints. For instance, it has the simplest and clearest directions for sewing on zippers that I've ever seen. It suggests and gives clear instructions for a variety of waistbands and has lots of inspiring photos of ways you can vary your skirt patterns. I've already bought fabric for another skirt for myself and one for my littlest. Also, I'm planning on dyeing and batiking some yardage to make a skirt from my own fabric. Can you tell I'm really excited about this book?
But. Wait. I've been doing more than just sewing. I've also started a beret for the Charmed Knits knit-along.

I'm using Knit Picks' Andean Silk. It's a terrifically soft yarn and knits up very quickly. This picture was taken this morning, but I'm practically done now. I ordered two balls of each color, so I'll have plenty to make a second hat.
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