A while back I made a series of collages. I haven't made any since then, but lately I've been thinking of investigating this medium again.

Most of the collages I made incorporated photographs I took myself, xeroxed bits, old drawings and magazine clippings.

Now, I'd really like to investigate all the different ways there are to transfer images to paper. I've also been so inspired by all the amazing works on paper I've seen on different blogs and flickr.

It's interesting to think about how these images relate to the quilts I've made lately.

I'm so glad that I've discovered blogging and the community it fosters. It has taught me a lot and inspired me even more.
When I was in San Francisco, I went into this shop called Flax - http://www.flaxart.com/. They had the most AMAZING paper selection and I think how addictive this could become. It's just tougher to store beautiful papers without wrinkling them (whereas with fabric that is easy to remedy!).
Hey, I've ironed paper.I know what you mean, though about it being potentially addictive. I've seen the Flax art catalog. It's pretty amazing.
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