When I was first commissioned to make Twinkle, a big part of me wondered what the hell I was doing. I'd made a few big quilts before, but not in this pattern. Could I really dye all those circles? Did I have the discipline to stay with such a huge project? And I asked the same questions when I first took on this book project. Now, the book project is not quite done and I'm way too superstitious to say otherwise, but I have met my deadlines so far and I'm feeling pretty good about the process.
As for Twinkle...well here it is... all done.

Both these projects have taught me that it's important to pursue every opportunity because you never know what it might lead to or how it might push you out of your comfort zone.

Several of you have asked me if I'll be sad to see this quilt go, but I'm really not. I can honestly say that this has been so much more about the process than the product.
That's true for the book project as well. I've discovered new interests and abilities and even a few new limitations. But, that too, is the point of pushing your personal boundaries. It just makes you feel like you're really living and growing, no matter your age. Which, in my case, is not that old.
This is so amazing and beautiful! Just as the stunning quilts from the 19th century are passing on the message, this one will talk to beginning quilters: "Yes, this can be done, it can be finished, it was done by a human being, and you can do it, and it will even be fun -- sometimes. In the end."
The quilt is so beautiful. The new owner is going to love it. It has been really fun watching the quilt come together and it's so wonderful to see the finished product. Looking forward to the book.
wow it is just stunning. The owner is going to cherish it forever!
Absolutely beautiful. You must feel very proud!
Andi :-)
Hey you wrote that article for Quilt Arts. Am I right. If I am let me know so I can brag that I sometimes make commemts on your blog.
I love name dropping.
Woo hoo! congrats on getting two huge projects out of the house. I still can't believe you made that huge quilt- what a project! I hope you have some time now to relax and enjoy the holidays.
congrats on a BEAUTIFUL finish! the quilt is outstanding.
Congratulations on your accomplishments! How did you photograph the quilt?
Malka, thanks for showhing the finished Twinkel. Beautiful. My eyes keep going over it, moving around. You should be proud and happy, and I think you are! I wonder about the size of each square?
congrats, it's so beautiful! and i'm so looking forward to the book.
congratulations! I can't wait to buy your book!
I just posted pictures of my quilt using your bleaching technique
Thanks everyone!
Marijke- The squares are all 4" square.
congratulations on your finishes... simply amazing. well done!
Oh good lord there are no words...congrats on your book, I can't wait to buy it!
congratulations malka. well said.
I have to say- your quilts are so beautiful- and i'm pleased to hear that i'm not insane for thinking that I can make a regular sized quilt on my regular machine- (even though a long arm is quite nice) I'm a beginning quilter- beginning etsy-er- thanks for the inspiration!!
Thrilled about the book! This quilt is amazing- what wonderful work!
great work you are doing :-)
Only discovered your blog right now.
Had to think of the artist Vasarely. Because I didn't read back all your posts I don't know if you have heard of him.
Have a good 2009
I love your quilt! Just found your blog, off to go look around at it some more, and check out your etsy shop :D
Holy cow! I love this quilt! Congrats on being featured on etsy too! Awesome!
This is absolutely stunning, what a work of art! I've enjoyed reading through your blog and looking at your shop.
i just found your blog via etsy. and i cannot believe how incredible this quilt is. Stunning! i just finished my first and very simple quilt, and it's examples like this that make me want to try it again. this is amazing!
Malka,I stopped by for some inspiration and couldn't leave without a comment on this post. A great big thank you for being the perfect author and making all your deadlines. It makes all the difference in how the book will turn out. You are wonderful to work with and we are delighted with all your successes. Darra is raving about the projects. Just wait until all your fans can see them!
This quilt is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen!!! Good work. Wow. You make me want to quilt!! To really learn how to properly quilt.
What an amazing piece of artwork! You are so inspiring! :)
Congratulations! The quilt is a work of art...so very beautiful, as I am sure the book will be.
This quilt came out absolutely beautifully!
So how long do we have to wait for your book???
Fantastic quilt!
marvelous quilt...i am in love...when i have the money i am paying you to make one for me:>
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