I've been dyeing a lot of fabric lately. Some of it is meant for existing orders in my shop. Some of it intended projects for my home and family such as my college bound girl's recent request for some pillows and a hand dyed closet curtain for her dorm room. Guess how long I thought about that request before I said yes. People, she actually wants me to make her something.

Full disclosure, I dyed the fabric for the pillow top a long time ago. In fact I had sewn it into a pillow, but extended exposure to my eldest's room can be detrimental to a pillow. So, I took apart the previous pillow, washed the fabric, quilted the top and dyed new fabric for the backing.
My other reason for spending hours slaving over a hot wax pot, dipping all manner of tools into the wax (hey, this is starting to sound a lot like donut making), and dyeing fabric is that I'm going to be a vendor at the Austin Area Quilt Guild Show this September.
So, I'm planning some new patterns,

in a variety of color ways,

and I'm going to start offering fat quarter bundles in many of my patterns. The bundles will consist of 4, fat quarter pieces of similarly patterned fabric, in 4 different colorways.
Since I'm feverishly working on making fabric for the show, I'm not sure exactly when these bundles will appear in my shop, but they'll land there eventually. Just as soon as I'm done making the donuts.
Oh my, can't wait to pet them in September!
Are those bottom ones from a potato masher? I just picked up Todd Oldham's modern craft book and he uses a potato masher with fabric paint on a shirt. Makes a very similar pattern.
And I love that top fabric. It lets me know exactly what I need to do for a project I just designed.
Time to make the donuts... Time to make the donuts...
Great stuff! Too funny, I say time to make the donuts all the time and no one ever gets it!
I think there are a few of us who would like to put in a "Mom, please"! request. Go make your donuts, the girls will love you for the acts of kindness.
there is something about going off to college that makes one long for anything related to home. i remember feeling that way. i never cared much to learn Mexican cooking from my mom and then BOOM all of a sudden this college freshman 600 miles away was calling her mom a lot to get recipes over the phone.
and i loved that dunkin donuts commercial. i love anything related to donuts. :)
I say "Time to make the donuts" too! Isn't it amazing how those commercials stick with us.
That commercial was popular when my first child was born. My husband and I left home in the middle of the night after my water broke. Only two blocks from the hospital we passed a donut shop and saw the donut maker through the window. We still laugh about "Time to make the donuts" every time we talk about our daughter's birth.
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