Monday, August 17, 2009

I've got mail

Today my eldest daughter was beginning the college application process. Pretty daunting, but that's a whole other post. Anyway, she wanted to know what to list my profession as. I answered her over my shoulder as I opened the day's mail, saying " I guess you can call me a textile designer...that seems pretty accurate." Then I opened my mail and decided my job description needed amending.

" Add author to the job description," I said, because today the mail carrier brought me an advanced copy of my book.
There are things that you assume you'll do in your lifetime, so when they happen, you're pleased, but not surprised. I always thought I'd get married, so happy as I was on my wedding day, I wasn't exactly astonished. The same is true for being a parent. I was thrilled, excited, nervous, but not taken aback because I never thought it would happen. Even with my work and business, which I thoroughly love, I never had a hard time envisioning myself in that role. But, being an author, having a book out there with my name on it, I never imagined that happening. It makes me realize that as great an experience as writing the book and designing the projects was, the best part of this journey has been being surprised by life. That's the real gift.


Frogdancer said...

My son is organising his university applications too.

Sadly, that's the only way we resemble each other in this scenario.

Congratulations!! You're living the dream, baby! Living the dream...

Cheryl Arkison said...

Great photo with that shadow in there too.

Congratulations, I'm looking forward to the book.

Jennifer said...

my youngest sister leaves for college next weekend. so weird!

also, can't wait to buy that book.

beth said...

my daughter's off next week for her second year of college....way across the country. hope your daughter ends up close to home. :)

I love the cover of your new book.
can't wait to see the inside. :)

Two Dogs and a Quilt said...

Congratulations, author. That's very exciting and quite an accomplishment.

Kathy York said...

Congrats Malka! The book looks beautiful!

Auntjune said...

That's awesome, I can't wait to get a copy! Congratulations, you are official-craft-goddess of the year! Woohoo!!!

Nancy said...

you are an inspiration!

Red Pepper Quilts - Rita Hodge said...

Congratulations! A book with your name on it - such a huge achievement. I can't wait to get my hands on a copy.


Kristin L said...

Congratulations! May life continue to surprise you.

Fran said...

Kudos to you !!!!
Bask in that warm feeling...
thanks for sharing & the book
looks lovely ! Great cover !

Kris said...

congrats! I can't wait to see it in person!

Lauren The Artist said...

Congratulations! What a wonderful surprise from the mailman!

antique quilter said...

thats so exciting, hope to see and learn more of the projects in the book yes we are beginning that college application process here as well
Its going to be an interesting few months till she knows where she is going to college.

Andi said...

Can't wait to get my copy.
I love your work!!!

sewtakeahike said...

I've got mine preordered and can hardly wait to get it. Congratulations on getting the real deal, hard copy in your hands!

Tracy T. said...

Congratulations, you published author, you! I am waiting, waiting, waiting till this book is available for me to buy! I've got a cupboard full of dye and want to learn some new techniques!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, I can't wait to get my book.

StudioCherie said...

Lovely post

Tamara said...

I can't even imagine how excited you are about this new book! It looks awesome!

Lesley said...

How exciting — congratulations!

I haven't commented before, but I am such an admirer of your work, and I love visiting your blog for a lively burst of colour and inspiration.

Your book looks lovely!

Deanna said...

congratulations on your new book!

tante leah said...

mazel tov malka...
well deserved!

Shelina said...

Congratulations! It is well deserved, but I can imagine the excitement. I hope to have that someday too.

Candied Fabrics said...

Congrats! How exciting for you!

Jena Webber said...

Oh, that is so wonderful! I feel like I read the blog of a celebrity! So fun.

Hi! I'm Wendi! said...

Congratulations! I felt exactly the same way when I got my advance copy of my book. My husband is an author (of fiction) and I've always dismissed what I do by saying, "I just write instructions." But it's a pretty awesome feeling to have the book in my hands. I can't wait to see in on shelves. Enjoy the moment! And I can't wait for your book - it looks wonderful!

Alissa said...

Wow! A big major congrats! So exciting for you and I can't wait to buy your book!!

Unknown said...

good things happen to good people. this is nothing but deserved.


Cheryl said...

Congratulations on the book! Well deserved!

I can't wait to see it!

ilovebabyquilts said...

I'm so happy for you! Local girl makes good. I'm still too daunted by the clamps and dye baths to try your technique, but someday! I want to make something like that white twinkle quilt to hang at work (eventually).

Tara said...

May we all be so lucky as to be surprised by life! congratulations!

Ashley said...

Congratulations Malka, I can't wait to see your book in person!

house on hill road said...

congratulations, malka! what an accomplishment - i can't wait to see it for myself.

GloJoeSews said...

Wow, how profound. It's truly the unexpected that causes us to catch our breath. Thanx for that reminder.

Heather said...

Congratulations! I can't wait to get my hands on it!

Lauren said...

Congrats and thanks for all you do! Looking forward to the book!

Millie said...

Congratulations on your looks like a must have for my quilting library!

Victoria said...

Wonderful post, and huge congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Congrats!! A wonderful accomplishment!

I can't wait to get a copy!

Carla said...

Congratulations! That is just so exciting! Here is to many more...

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your book. I enjoy sharing your excitement, it inspires me to keep dreaming and pushing forward. Thanks for sharring and cogratuations again!

FatQuarterQuiltFarm said...

thats HUGE!!!!
so freaking excited for you... cannot wait to see it!
Maor congrats to you!!

Janne said...

Congratulations on the book! You are inspiring.

Chris Lynn said...

Congratulations on the book! That's really amazing!

jacquie said...

by Malka...those are magical words. congrats! i'm off to put in my pre order.

KateKwiltz said...

That's fantastic! Congratulations!

I'm so going to buy your book when it releases!

Enjoy the sensation, you deserve every bit of it!