Do I look different? I've lost my innocence. I've been tagged for the first time. Kathy over at
Pink Chalk Studios named my blog in her 7 things about me blog entry.

In order to play along I've got to name 7 things about me, list 7 of my favorite weblogs and send those folks an email letting them know they're IT.
I'm going to confess that I actually got Kathy's email on Tuesday, but I haven't posted until today because I was lamenting what the 7 things about myself should be. Well, I'm done contemplating. I'm ready with my list.
1. Despite my reaction to the requirements of this meme, I'm not a person who contemplates decisions at length. That's why my husband and I can not go to the grocery store together. I walk down the aisles and get whatever mayonnaise is within reach, he wants to weigh the merits of each brand.
2. I despise Daylight Saving Time. I'm a morning person and, though I know there are still 24 hours in the day, I feel like more darkness means a shorter day for me. I want my hour back!
3. I no longer call the water heater a "hot water heater". My former brother-in-law was a plumber and once he joined the family, we were all discouraged from using this redundant phrase. I rarely see him since he and my sister-in-law divorced, but I still call that thing in the garage that heats the water a "water heater".
4. I don't really mind the heat in Texas. I know that complaining about it is a very popular pastime, but I love the quality of the light in the summer, so I can't bemoan the season.
5. I hate Barton Springs. There, I said it. Most of you have no idea what I'm talking about, but in Austin, them's fighting words. Barton Springs is a spring fed pool in Austin, a town famous for it's swimming holes. I love to swim. I love springs, creeks, rivers, etc. I don't love to swim in springs, creeks, rivers, etc. I'm a huge fan of chlorination and that's where I do my swimming.
6. I once had a neighbor stop speaking to me because I made an offhand mention of my dislike for Barton Springs. She eventually did speak to me, but there was always this underlying tension.
7. I have actually really enjoyed creating this list, despite my initial trepidation. Thanks, Kathy for the opportunity.
As for my favorite blogs, well I wish you could see my long list of bookmarks. But in the interest of naming 7, here goes:
LaurenJenniferBethLindaAmyJenCarrieI'm off to send those emails. Happy Weekend everyone!