Back to the Wizard of Oz. One of my favorite lines in all of movie history is Dorothy's declaration to Toto, " Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore." As previously mentioned, this tidbit has nothing to do with today's topic other than the fact that the post title is a takeoff on another line from the movie.
What does today's post have to do with? This:
Stay with me here.
This is a paint chip garland that I found on Pinterest. If you follow me on Pinterest or just browse my Inspirations board, then you'll see this image (I'd love to credit it to somebody, but it doesn't seem to link to the correct page).
Long, semi-interesting story short, this paint chip garland was the inspiration for this:
I made the quilt, then wrote the pattern, which I sell in my store.
Currently, I'm making a couple of blocks from this pattern for a special project/gift I'll feature here this coming Tuesday.
This prompted my scarecrow-like brain to start thinking about tips I could publish here for those who've purchased the pattern in the past as well as those who might in the future. I also wanted to offer a discounted price on the pattern, and give away a couple of copies. Amazing, all this happened and there's nothing but straw between my ears.
So, without further adieu, here are my top 4 tips for making your Pieces of 8 quilt a success:
1. Generous use of Spray Starch.
Because of the shape of the pieces sewn together to make this pattern, there are inevitably going to be some bias edges. Tame their stretchiness by spraying the fabric with starch either before or after cutting.
2. Fold the strips in half to identify mid-point and make piecing them easier and more accurate.
I even make a point of nesting the creases inside each other. This pattern really depends on accuracy, so every little bit helps.
3. Cut template A generously.
Run your rotary cutter along the edge of the template and beyond the flat, short end at the top, so that the triangle created has a point like this one:
4. Audition the placement of the background pieces before sewing, so you can make sure they face the right direction.
If you have made this pattern and have other helpful tips to share, please share them either via email or in the comments section.
And, if you'd like a chance to win one of the two free versions I'm giving away, just click your heels together and leave a comment.
Also, this weekend through the reveal of my special project on Tuesday, I've discounted the price of the pattern by 10%. The price has already been changed in my store, so no need for any discount code or wishing upon a star.
Have a great weekend, everybody!