So what does that leave me with?

And this.

As my grandfather used to say, "vous?"which, by the way, is "what?" in Yiddish, not the formal "you" in French.
Anyway this is the beginnings of a king size version of my Twinkle design. Yes, you heard right, king size. I'm making it for a nice couple who found me through my etsy store. So far I have about 150 of these circles dyed, though not all have been pieced into the nine patch units pictured here. I've done the math people, and I'm going to need around 730 circles for the quilt to measure about 104x96". Luckily I do have until mid-December to complete this quilt and the piecing is pretty easy. I'm not too stressed about the quilting either because when I quilt these twinkle pieces I quilt each individual circle separately. It means that I have to break the thread a lot, but it makes the quilt much easier to handle.
It's already getting to the point where I don't have a big enough wall in the right kind of light to photograph it, but you get the idea.
I'll keep you posted on its progress.