I've not been present in this space as much as I'd like to have been lately. So, I'm going to try something to remedy that...at least for one week. I'm going to commit( I hate that word) to post a picture a day for one week. Yes, I know. That is quite a commitment, but considering the pace of my life lately, that's the best I can do. The reason I picked a week, other than the obvious shortness of the time, is that, I have definite opinions about each weekday. I have favorites and reasons for why I prefer them.
Sunday:: Lately not my favorite day. I take Saturday off, so Sunday is the day I start to think(read panic) about all the things I have to do. I'm not great with transitions and moving from day off to work requires transition.
Monday:: I've mentioned before that I swim on an adult swim team.My swim team workout is at 5:30 in the morning. This always puts a bit of a damper on Monday. By Tuesday I'm used to it. Refer to the point about transitions to explain why.
Tuesday:: Strangely, I love Tuesday. It's still early in the week, so I have the feeling that I have loads of time stretched out ahead of me. But it's not Monday, so I'm done adjusting to the new week.
Wednesday:: I'm OK with Wednesday, but usually by Wednesday evening it starts to dawn on me that my plans for what could be tackled this week might have been a tad unrealistic.
Thursday:: This day is a combination of panic over deadlines needing to be met and relief that I only have one more 5:30 am wake-up left for the week.
Friday:: Friday's a mixed bag. Acceptance that I got as much accomplished as I could and happiness that Saturday morning I'll sleep in. Of course, after a week of waking up at 4:30, the best I can do is 6:30ish. No matter though, the extra two hours are so sweet.
Saturday:: Oooh, I love Saturday. I lay around, knit, read, nap...so lovely.
Here goes then, a picture a day for one week...favorite days and otherwise.

This is quintessentially Austin. This week is the bi-annual trash event known as bulky collection. The city allows residents to put out just about any item of trash and they will pick it up and haul it to the dump. The city announces bulky collection week through postcard mailings, but they don't tell residents exactly what day during bulky collection week they'll be coming through your particular neighborhood. They advise that you put out whatever undesirable you have by Monday of that week and rest easy knowing they'll be by within the next 7 days to pick it up. Needless to say, bulky collection week is like Christmas to the scavenger's amongst us.
I ran into this couch the other day as I walked around my neighborhood. Apparently, Barbie and Ken live in my hood.