I was anticipating the first because Blair over at wisecraft commented here a while back that she was working on her own version of my Tuesday Pillow design from the Spring issue of Stitch . Take a gander at these beautiful pillows. I love the fabrics she chose and having read the accompanying post I know that, having misplaced the instructions, she just felt her way through the process. That's the best way to craft a project like this. It really opens the door for you to put your own methods and aesthetic into the finished product.
The second design I ran into on flickr. Rita from Red Pepper Quilts is a contact of mine and she posted this bit of lovliness. Not too long after, I saw the same design, crafted by a different maker and just as fabulous.
Seeing both of the latter quilts reminded me that I'd never taken any of my own pictures of this quilt or, for that matter, even mentioned that it existed. Maybe because I designed the quilt for the British magazine, Sew Hip, and it's not available here in the states I forgot about it. Or maybe because the magazine came out in April and that just seems so long ago. Whatever my excuse, the other day I decided to rectify the oversight.

The design is called Strips and Bricks and it's ever so simple, but perfect for using up different shades of whites and graphic prints from your stash.

This one is about baby quilt/lap quilt size, but it's very easy to enlarge this pattern. Just make more strips of the bricks.
If you have access to back issues of Sew Hip and happen to make a version of this quilt or any of my other published designs, please email me an image. I would get such a huge kick out of seeing it.