I'll start off by saying that if something looks a little different about this post it's because I've been relegated to composing my text in a word processing program and then copying it to my page. The logical explanation would be that I'm somewhere without a network signal, but that's not the case. I'm at my daughter's swim team waiting for her practice to end and allegedly they have wifi here. Except that every time I've tried to get on the network it's down. This past summer I plodded up here twice a day, once in the early morning and then again just a few hours later for her practice. I wasn't happy about the internet situation.
I may not be winning too much sympathy from many of you who have young children, but I've been there and done that. I've paid my chauffeuring dues and these are supposed to be the good times- when I manipulate my seventeen-year-old-in-need-of-my-car to drive her sisters to their various activities in exchange for a vehicle with gas and insurance paid.
So, where did I go wrong? What am I doing here?
Here's the exchange between my beloved eldest and me:
Me: The great thing about the fall swimming schedule is that you can take Abi up to swim team when you go there.
Her: Except Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Me: What's special about those days?
Her: On Tuesdays and Thursdays we start at 5:00, but she doesn't start until 7:00 and we're done at 7:00 while she doesn't get out until 8:45. Nobody wants to wait.
Nobody that is, but me. Actually I don't want to wait either, but that's what I'm doing.
What does that have to do with my bicycle backpack?
What is a bicycle backpack? I'm glad you asked (my mood instantly brightens).
A bicycle backpack is what you wear on your back when you're riding around and need to carry a few essentials like keys, gym membership card, bike lock, and a phone in case you need to call your husband to help you fix (read: fix for you) a flat tire.

I already have one backpack for this purpose, but lately I've been riding my bike a lot more and Texas can be a sweaty place and I really need more than one. So I designed another. This one includes several necessities such as patchwork, hand dyed cottons, and a cool button as well as a few luxuries like adjustable straps and three deep pockets. I've been so excited about sharing this backpack with you all because
A. I enjoy talking about my craft adventures here.
2. I'm putting together a pattern for this backpack that will hopefully go into my shop next week.
Do you have to ride a bike to make this backpack?
Do you have to even own a bike to make this backpack?
Is this backpack appropriate for your loved ones who only have two hands and therefore need assistance carrying their stuff?
I think you know the answer to that.