Before I get into this post, I wanted to answer a couple questions from the previous one. The sewing table is called the Arrow Olivia Sewing Cabinet and I purchased mine at Ready to Sew Bernina in Cedar Park (Texas, that is)."It'll make me so happy." That's what my husband said when he proposed the idea of adding a second one. I had to laugh, but I wasn't so sure. I did finally agree to it but with two caveats. I've gotta give the guy credit. He definitely fulfilled his side of the bargain.
He did this:

So, now we have this:

The "this" I'm referring to is the aquarium.
A few weeks back, my husband made a heartfelt plea for a second fish tank. We currently have a 55-gallon tank stocked with what look to me like happy, little fish. But, he really wanted another one, so I said that if he could figure out what to do with the books and bookshelf that a 6-foot aquarium would likely displace and paint the room, then I would make room in my home and heart for more fish.
I mostly wanted to paint the room because I felt like it was a natural part of the remodel process. Now that I've actually had to help him move the tank into the house, I realize that it was a now or never situation. That tank is the heaviest thing I've ever had to help move and that's without any water. If we hadn't painted now, we never would because you just don't move that puppy around.
Naturally, new wall color necessitates the creation of a few new things.

So far just one new thing, but I'm working on at least one other pillow.

This one features some of my hand dyed fabrics including two twinkle circles and a few commercial prints.
I backed it with a simple, graphic fabric in shades of gray and bound the whole thing with some hand dyed linen in yellow.
My couch is gray, my wall are now yellow. Now I'm so happy!