I couldn't possibly say goodbye to 2010 without looking back at the quilts I've made over the past year. Sometimes I wonder what it is about quilts that attracts me to them. I certainly enjoy designing and making other things, but oftentimes those ideas are spurred by a need or an assignment rather than just inspiration. It seems like whenever I think about patterning, I do so in terms of quilt design rather than a garment or home dec item. The idea may evolve into something other than a quilt, but it probably started out with a quilt in mind.
Anyway, I'll probably have to go into analysis to figure that one out, so if someone wants to recommend a therapist, I'm all ears. :) Until I get that sorted out, here's my mosaic of 2010 quilts.
I probably could have included a few more as I often make repeats of designs as custom orders, but I think this mosaic gives a good overview.
Also, since these posts have been about the future as much as the past, I'm announcing that I'll be releasing a new quilt pattern on Monday, January 3, 2011.
I first showed sneak peaks of this quilt in mid-November when I requested that a few helpful folks review the pattern. I've since done a wee bit of editing and I'm ready for it to go live this Monday. Check back here then as I'll have more pictures and information and will be giving away 2 copies of the pattern to celebrate its launch.
Until then...have a fabulous New Year and, for those who live close by, I hope to see you at the book signing this Sunday at 5:00pm at Stitch Lab (1000 S. First St.)
Friday, December 31, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Back and Forth at the Same Time #2
I was planning to look back on the quilts I've made in the 2010 and chat about some quilting plans for the new year, but I was struck by a discussion thread over at Sew, Mama, Sew. So(or should I say sew :)) I'll save that for tomorrow's post. Instead, I'll play along with their prompts and would love to hear your thoughts about what sewing in 2010 meant to you and what you think the future holds.
This might seem a wee bit self-serving, but I genuinely believe that the biggest trend on the sewing horizon these days is the making of contemporary quilts that are both beautiful and functional. I think there's a slew of young and young at heart sewers who want to make quilts, just not exactly the way grandma did.
What were some of your favorite things? (Trends, fabric collections, patterns, blogs? Whatever you really loved.)
My favorite thing is the mini explosion I see of downloadable patterns. Knitters have been doing this kind of thing for a few years and those of us who sew are just starting to get in on it. Now what we need is a Ravelry-like site for sewers where independent designers and crafty folks can have an online community to swap ideas, sell patterns, and generally display their talents. BTW- I love Burdastyle, but that doesn't fit this bill in my opinion.
What was your very favorite fabric collection or print? (If not listed above.)
I may be biased, but I was pretty partial to my friend Kathy York's collection for Clothworks.
What was the best thing you made in 2010? (Be sure to share a photo!)
I do a lot of sewing, so it's hard to pick one item, but I feel like the Hexagon String Baby Quilt that I designed for Quilt Scene Magazine was definitely one of my favorites.
What is one of the best things you saw that was made by someone else?
This might be a weaselly way to answer this question, but oh well.... I have seen so many beautiful creations over the past year that I can't, no matter what, name just one. I do have a bunch of beautiful crafty images faved over at flickr and I'd invite others to be as inspired by them as I've been.
What do you think 2011 has in store? (Again, trends, fabric, patterns, etc.)
I think the past few years have seen a growing fascination with all crafts and designs Japanese. While I've really enjoyed this, I think this year's trends may be a bit bolder and more color-based than what you tend to see in the Japanese aesthetic. I think there's a real interest in simple, strong designs that focus on color.
Anything you’re ready for the sewing world to get over?
Not really. I think we're a pretty decent bunch and if something isn't your cup of tea, just don't make it or buy it.
What’s on your sewing agenda for 2011? What are you excited about? What would you like to learn more about?
I've got lots more quilts and quilt patterns planned for 2011 and more personal clothes sewing with knits. I've been a bit wary about working with knits in the past but I'm ready to get over that.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Back and Forth at the Same Time #1
I love this time of the year, reading all the best-of lists that are published or listening to the best-of radio shows. It's fun to look back on the past year and to think about the possibilities for the year to come. It's really a strange dichotomy of recalling the past and anticipating the future all at the same time. Frankly it should make me a little schizoid, but instead it makes me smile.
This week I thought I'd share some of my highlights from the past year as well as plans or maybe just hopes for the year to come.
I wanted to start off with a mosaic of some of the projects from my book, Fresh Quilting: Fearless Color, Design, and Inspiration.
I'm featuring the book as my first look back because I'm going to have a book signing this Sunday at 5:00pm at Stitch Lab,1000 South First Street. If you've never been to Stitch Lab you are in for a real treat. The place defines the word eye candy. It's located in a refurbished old house on and not only is it fun and funky and colorful, but they sell the best, most contemporary, perfect for quilting, crafting, any-which-way-kind-of-sewing fabrics there. I'll be there along with copies of the book and the original projects from the book. Want to see the Honeycomb Hexagon or Nate's Quilt up close? Come to Stitch Lab this Sunday at 5:00. Also, I'm going to be teaching some classes this Spring at Stitch Lab and though I plan to post about that here later in January, all the class info will be available at the book event. I hope to see you there!
This week I thought I'd share some of my highlights from the past year as well as plans or maybe just hopes for the year to come.
I wanted to start off with a mosaic of some of the projects from my book, Fresh Quilting: Fearless Color, Design, and Inspiration.
I'm featuring the book as my first look back because I'm going to have a book signing this Sunday at 5:00pm at Stitch Lab,1000 South First Street. If you've never been to Stitch Lab you are in for a real treat. The place defines the word eye candy. It's located in a refurbished old house on and not only is it fun and funky and colorful, but they sell the best, most contemporary, perfect for quilting, crafting, any-which-way-kind-of-sewing fabrics there. I'll be there along with copies of the book and the original projects from the book. Want to see the Honeycomb Hexagon or Nate's Quilt up close? Come to Stitch Lab this Sunday at 5:00. Also, I'm going to be teaching some classes this Spring at Stitch Lab and though I plan to post about that here later in January, all the class info will be available at the book event. I hope to see you there!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Cathy's Ocean Revisited
Today's post is brought to you by kismet or fate or karma or one of those forces in the universe. The other day a friend and devoted customer emailed to say hello and ask a question. She then mentioned that she'd seen my write-up in American Craft and saw that one of the quilts featured was a quilt I'd made for her. I replied that the editors had asked for a high resolution image of that quilt and unfortunately all I had was a pretty crappy photo I'd probably taken with a point and shoot. Being the kind and generous person she is, my friend offered to drop the quilt off for a few days so I could properly document it.
So here it is:
Its an improvisational take on the traditional Ocean Waves pattern and if you've ever looked at my flickr photostream you've seen it in my quilt set. What the original photo doesn't reveal and frankly neither does this one is how much embroidery I added to the quilt top before I basted and machine quilted it.
That's why I took these closeups.
I had so much fun adding the embroidery to this piece. I remember telling my friend at the time I was working on the quilt that I found the embroidery work to be so calming. I just couldn't seem to stop myself. Also, I used wool embroidery thread which I feel is the perfect compliment to a lot of the hand dyed fabrics. The wool has such an amazing richness of color it really suits the color saturation of the fabrics.
For those who might be interested in some of the mundane details, the quilt measures about 30" x 40" and features both hand dyed and commercial cottons.
So here it is:
Its an improvisational take on the traditional Ocean Waves pattern and if you've ever looked at my flickr photostream you've seen it in my quilt set. What the original photo doesn't reveal and frankly neither does this one is how much embroidery I added to the quilt top before I basted and machine quilted it.
That's why I took these closeups.
I had so much fun adding the embroidery to this piece. I remember telling my friend at the time I was working on the quilt that I found the embroidery work to be so calming. I just couldn't seem to stop myself. Also, I used wool embroidery thread which I feel is the perfect compliment to a lot of the hand dyed fabrics. The wool has such an amazing richness of color it really suits the color saturation of the fabrics.
For those who might be interested in some of the mundane details, the quilt measures about 30" x 40" and features both hand dyed and commercial cottons.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Fresh Quilting Across the USA :: Day 7
Whew! I made it all the way across the USA and boy...wait I already used that. I'm actually not tired; I'm thrilled. I've really enjoyed reading the comments and seeing some of the interpretations of the Fresh Quilting projects. Today's the last stop on the tour and it's a great place to visit. Kathy Mack is a designer and owner of a fabulous online store, Pink Chalk Fabrics. I can personally attest to how terrific her space is because not only do I buy a lot of fabric from her I also sell my downloadable patterns there. On her blog today she's posted her review of Fresh Quilting: Fearless Color, Design, and Inspiration including a book giveaway.
Throughout the blog tour I've featured photos that I took of the projects before I sent them off to the publisher last winter. Since this is the last day, I've decided to focus on two of the wearable projects I designed for the book. In the book these items are modeled by professionals, but my photos feature two lovely girls, my eldest and her friend. Being teenagers they insisted I not include their faces, but take my word for it they are as cute above the neck as they appear below the neck.
Throughout the blog tour I've featured photos that I took of the projects before I sent them off to the publisher last winter. Since this is the last day, I've decided to focus on two of the wearable projects I designed for the book. In the book these items are modeled by professionals, but my photos feature two lovely girls, my eldest and her friend. Being teenagers they insisted I not include their faces, but take my word for it they are as cute above the neck as they appear below the neck.
Peppermint Neck Warmer
Mix-it-up Patchwork Scarf
Monday, December 13, 2010
Fresh Quilting Across the USA :: Day 6
We're rolling into Day 6, but week 2 of the Fresh Quilting Across the USA tour. I think I like the idea that we could have an incongruous number of days to weeks. If I could figure out how to do that in the reverse, I could probably go back in time and imagine what an amazing book and subsequent blog tour that would lead to.
But, back to reality and the blog tour at hand. Today's stop is at Blair's always beautiful and well-designed space. Remember, each stop includes a book giveaway, so be sure to check it out for your chance to win.
Annie's Picnic Quilt from Fresh Quilting
But, back to reality and the blog tour at hand. Today's stop is at Blair's always beautiful and well-designed space. Remember, each stop includes a book giveaway, so be sure to check it out for your chance to win.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Fresh Quilting Across the USA :: Day 5
Honeycomb Hexagon quilt from Fresh Quilting
I'm virtually flying my way across the USA and boy are my arms tired! :) I was going to wait until the last stop on the Fresh Quilting tour to make that silly comment, but ever time I thought about it I'd giggle, so I couldn't help myself. I guess I"ll have to spend the weekend coming up with something else.
Today's stop is at Jacquie's incredibly popular and informative blog. This woman has so much energy and enthusiasm and it shows in the beautiful quilts that she makes. A little birdie told me that Jacquie has a book in the works too, so I'm definitely looking forward to that.
The tour takes the weekend off for refueling, but begins again on Monday at Wise Craft.
As with all the previous stops, today's blog is offering a free copy of Fresh Quilting: Fearless Color, Design, and Inspiration. So head on over there and check it out.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Fresh Quilting Across the USA :: Day 4
My photo of the Whirlygig quilt from Fresh Quilting
Day 4 of Fresh Quilting Across the USA is at Erin's space, House on Hill Road. I've been reading Erin's blog for a long time and I'm a huge fan of her designs, her wonderful approach to life, and the wallpaper in her bathroom.
Be sure to check out her interpretation of the Whirlygig pattern, read her review of Fresh Quilting, and put your name in the hat for the giveaway.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Fresh Quilting Across the USA :: Day 3
My shot of the kitchen curtain from Fresh Quilting
Today's stop is at JCasa *handmade and I'm totally loving what Jennifer created from the book. In fact it's my dream for what folks might do with the projects in Fresh Quilting. She took the patchwork pattern from the sewing machine cover and adapted it for a studio curtain. Brilliant!
I've long been a fan of Jennifer's and am lucky enough to have visited with her online and in person. She sews, she knits, she writes books, she's got two incredibly cute girls...grab a cup of tea and enjoy your time in her space.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Fresh Quilting Across the USA :: Day 2
Check out Victoria's post here for Day 2 of the blog tour. I would also strongly recommend that while you're visiting Victoria's space you take some time to look at her truly unique and amazingly crafted fiber art.
I wanted to take a minute to thank all of y'all who've emailed to let me know how much you're enjoying the book. I'd love for those of you who have a few extra minutes to log onto Amazon.com and review the book there as well.
I wanted to take a minute to thank all of y'all who've emailed to let me know how much you're enjoying the book. I'd love for those of you who have a few extra minutes to log onto Amazon.com and review the book there as well.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Fresh Quilting Across the USA::Day 1
So today's the first day of my blog tour to celebrate my new book, Fresh Quilting: Fearless Color, Design, and Inspiration. For a chance to win a copy of the book and to read Ashley's review go here.
While you're there you should definitely check out all the amazing quilts that Ashley's made. Very inspiring!
We have a winner for the copy of Fresh Quilting I was giving away last Thursday. This giveaway has been such fun for me. Along with receiving all you wonderful birthday wishes, I have learned how to say "Happy Birthday" in so many different languages including Canadian where they wish the birthday boy/girl, "Happy Birthday, eh."
Anyway, thanks to all who participated. Our book recipient is:
Alice R. said...OOOOOOOoooooohhhhh! Happy birthday to you...and to me, I hope! Thank you for the chance to win your lovely book - it'll go great with those bundles I just ordered!
Alice, please email me at malka@stitchindye.com with your home address and I'll get your book to you super quick.
Also, I'd like to clear up a bit of confusion that I may have created in my post about the blog tour. Perhaps it was the mention of the Rolling Stones tours of the US or my promise not to trash hotel rooms, but many of you got the impression that I will actually be making my way across the country. As much as I would like to visit all the places listed on the tour and a few more, my blog tour is entirely virtual. I'll be there in spirit, but my body remains in Austin, Texas.
While you're there you should definitely check out all the amazing quilts that Ashley's made. Very inspiring!
We have a winner for the copy of Fresh Quilting I was giving away last Thursday. This giveaway has been such fun for me. Along with receiving all you wonderful birthday wishes, I have learned how to say "Happy Birthday" in so many different languages including Canadian where they wish the birthday boy/girl, "Happy Birthday, eh."
Anyway, thanks to all who participated. Our book recipient is:
Alice R. said...OOOOOOOoooooohhhhh! Happy birthday to you...and to me, I hope! Thank you for the chance to win your lovely book - it'll go great with those bundles I just ordered!
Alice, please email me at malka@stitchindye.com with your home address and I'll get your book to you super quick.
Also, I'd like to clear up a bit of confusion that I may have created in my post about the blog tour. Perhaps it was the mention of the Rolling Stones tours of the US or my promise not to trash hotel rooms, but many of you got the impression that I will actually be making my way across the country. As much as I would like to visit all the places listed on the tour and a few more, my blog tour is entirely virtual. I'll be there in spirit, but my body remains in Austin, Texas.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Fresh Quilting Across the USA
First off, I should say that I'm totally in love with the graphic that Jamie Guthals, publicist extraordinaire at Interweave Press, sent me to visually illustrate my blog tour. I mean check this out:
Each stop on my tour is denoted and I love concept of hopping across the country.
When I first saw the graphic and heard the blog tour referred to as 'Fresh Quilting Across the USA", I couldn't help but think about Keith Richards. I just finished listening to his autobiography on my ipod and he went into great detail about life on the road with the Rolling Stones. Rest assured I have no plans to trash hotel rooms, get arrested, or do pretty much anything that he did on his tours. I think I'll just talk about the projects and giveaway books.
The tour begins next week and will include the following stops:
For those still interested in commenting to win the book I'm giving away, have no fear, those comments are open until Sunday, December 5 at 8:00 pm CST.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Each stop on my tour is denoted and I love concept of hopping across the country.
When I first saw the graphic and heard the blog tour referred to as 'Fresh Quilting Across the USA", I couldn't help but think about Keith Richards. I just finished listening to his autobiography on my ipod and he went into great detail about life on the road with the Rolling Stones. Rest assured I have no plans to trash hotel rooms, get arrested, or do pretty much anything that he did on his tours. I think I'll just talk about the projects and giveaway books.
The tour begins next week and will include the following stops:
For those still interested in commenting to win the book I'm giving away, have no fear, those comments are open until Sunday, December 5 at 8:00 pm CST.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Yom Huledet Sameach
Are some of you scratching your heads about today's post title? Well, that is Happy Birthday in Hebrew transliterated because Hebrew has a completely different alphabet. Why would you need to know this other than to wow your friends at parties? Because today is my birthday and that's the way my folks, my brother, and even some of my Facebook friends wished me a happy birthday.
my birthday isn't the only thing I'm celebrating today. I said in Tuesday's post that I hoped to finish the quilt I was making and...
I did!
As I was taking these pictures, I zoomed in to take a close-up shot and noticed something on the quilt. I wonder if you see it too.
There seems to be a copy of my new book on the quilt. This must be some kind of birthday sign. I'm thinking it's saying that it would be so fun to share my birthday joy with you all by giving away a copy of the book. I'm loving that idea. So, go ahead and leave a comment. I'll take comments through Sunday at 8:00pm CST and announce the winner on Monday.
For those of you worried that this might be your only chance to win a copy of the book, don't despair. I'll be back in this space tomorrow to announce the details of my Fresh Quilting Across the USA blog tour.
Good luck and Lihitraot (that means see you later) !
my birthday isn't the only thing I'm celebrating today. I said in Tuesday's post that I hoped to finish the quilt I was making and...
I did!
As I was taking these pictures, I zoomed in to take a close-up shot and noticed something on the quilt. I wonder if you see it too.
There seems to be a copy of my new book on the quilt. This must be some kind of birthday sign. I'm thinking it's saying that it would be so fun to share my birthday joy with you all by giving away a copy of the book. I'm loving that idea. So, go ahead and leave a comment. I'll take comments through Sunday at 8:00pm CST and announce the winner on Monday.
For those of you worried that this might be your only chance to win a copy of the book, don't despair. I'll be back in this space tomorrow to announce the details of my Fresh Quilting Across the USA blog tour.
Good luck and Lihitraot (that means see you later) !
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