I've looked through this book so many times that all of the pages are loose. Consider that a rousing endorsement. Like Maude Wahlman's Signs and Symbols this book was one of the first I bought when I started making quilts. And it's still one of the best.

Also, like Signs and Symbols, the focus of Who'd a Thought It is showcasing African-American improvisational quilts and their makers. I'm continually struck by how energized these quilts are and how fresh the interpretations of traditional patterns seem.

I love so many of these quilts, I could have easily photographed each quilt in the book.

I particularly love this piece and the way it's organized. It feels new and unique. I haven't seen a lot of medallion quilts lately. Well, until recently. I realized when I was looking at this image this afternoon that one of the quilt projects in Joelle Hoverson's new book, Last Minute Patchwork+ Quilted Gifts reminds me of this quilt. It's probably obvious to everyone else, but that newly published quilt is also a medallion quilt.
These quilts are fabulous! I just looked and the library near my house has both of those books. Guess where I will be tomorrow morning?
Wonderful inspiration! "Energized" is teh perfect description for these quilts. I'll have to keep my eyes open for these books -- they look like great "reads."
I really enjoy looking at your quilts. I love color but always seem to work inside the box, very traditionally. When you create, do you have an idea for the entire quilt? or do you just go with the flow? Seeing a photo of one of your quilts on the design wall partly done makes me wonder if you just create as you go along. I have to try that :-)
Wow! that's a good question. I think it's a combination. When I make a quilt, I've also made at least some of the fabric. So, to some degree,my ideas flow out of the fabric. But, I also just piece stuff together and react to that. As far as color goes, I've always felt that all the colors can work together and that you should just trust your gut reactions. If you combine two colors and like it, then they're meant to work together.
Thanks for sharing all this fabulousness- what great inspiration!
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