Monday, July 25, 2011

a stitch in color :: preview

Guess what came to my house last Friday? In two BIG boxes. Boxes so heavy I had to get help bringing them in from the porch.
This is my soon-to-be-released fabric line, a stitch in color. People, we're talking 34 different prints and 6 coordinating solids.

Moda Fabrics sent me 5 yards of each solid and print so that I can start making samples for Quilt Market this fall. I'll be there, along with my samples, some of which may be of the wearing variety, to help promote a stitch in color.
I'm also planning to craft several quilts, new designs as well as  remakes of previous designs, and various home dec and accessories all to highlight this beautiful fabric.
For you super-enthusiastic people who will ask me, "Where can I buy these fabrics?" I must respond with, "Hold your presser feet, the fabrics aren't out in stores...yet." They'll preview at Quilt Market in Houston at the end of October and be available in stores and online early in 2012. Until then though, I have been given the go-ahead to preview some of my a stitch in color creations here on my humble, little blog. So, if you want to see what I'm making with this totally fab fabric, check back here, especially this Thursday for my first project.
Any guesses as to what I'll make first? 
Also, can you imagine how fabulous it is for a sewer to have this much fabric delivered in one swoop to her house? Could I possibly be a little fabric inebriated?


Justine said...

That is sewww cool, Malka! Congratulations!

Lynn said...

Your fabrics look wonderful!! I'll look forward to seeing them (buying them) when they appear in stores.

Tammy Vasser said...

It's awesome! I can't wait to stock it! Not to mention sew with it myself!

Pinkadot Quilts said...

Congratulations, they are awesome!

Pat Merkle said...

They are beautiful! Can't wait to see what you create, can't wait to "see" them in stores!

Monika said...

My goodness! This looks awesome - it must have been VERY exciting to open these boxes :)
The colours looks great - and the motives too - these are definitly something I have to think of in fall!!

lu summers said...

super excited for you malka! can't wait to see what you make, congratulations! x

Michele said...

I bet you're still squealing! Nice collection. I can't wait to see what you make!

Char said...

Congratulations! I'll be anxiously waiting.

Rocio said...

Congratulations!! I can't wait to see what's coming, I simply can't wait!!!
Those fabrics are awesome!

Kathy York said...

Big Congrats! This line is fabulous, the colors are scrumptious! Enjoy!

Jeni Baker said...

So, so excited to see what you make from this lovely line! I need to start saving my pennies now, it's gorgeous! :)

Angela N. said...

I can only imagine a delivery like that!!! wow. Your fabrics look amazing and so colorful. I cannot wait to see what you do with them!

Kelly said...

How exciting! And those colors? Gorgeous!

MariQuilts said...

How wonderful....can't wait to buy some.

Gill said...

Wonderful colours - how long before it arrives in the UK????

Jill Spyker - fishskin fabric said...

I am SO EXCITED! A fabric store owner that will DEFINITELY be ordering your line. EEEK! Yay!

Donnell said...

The colors are so great and I like the patterns too.

Judith said...

They look fantastic. I ordered fabric from you before and love it so you will understand that I am super duper excited about being able to purchase a greater variety of your line soon.

Mara said...

Congratulations! There are already some in that pile that I know I'll want to buy...can't wait!

Faith Jones said...

Can you please bring some for us to look at at the Chicago Improv Piecing class you will be teaching? Pretty pleeeeease? :)

Fran said...

WOW ! that must've been heart stopping !
What a thrill....congrats & they all look

Rosa said...

Congratulations,they`re awesome!!It must be excited open that boxes!!

Kathy said...

this is very exciting! congratulations! looking forward to seeing them in th stores! have fun!

GerryART said...

I WANT, I WANT, I WANT ! ! ! !


okay, I'll wait 'til your new line is released.

Little Island Quilting said...

We could get inebriated with you if you had a giveaway of some of it ;-)

Fab fabirc!

Jacey said...

Wow, I bet you are inebriated! Your new line is so incredible. I can't wait to see it in person. Congratulations again!

Lori said...

I gasped a little at my desk (thankfully I'm alone in the room). The array of the fabrics is just beautiful. I'll be sure to look for them when they are released for sale.

Joy said...

How exciting!!! I'm so thrilled for you. Have fun getting ready for Market!

Rachel at Stitched in Color said...

How completely wonderful! So much fabric must be making your head spin. Come up for air and then dive right back in!

Frogdancer said...

Oh good! I'm making a quilt with a couple of your charm packs and I was wondering what on earth I was going to use for the binding. Those solids look like the answer!

Sherri said...

Congrats-the fabric is just beautiful!!

Andi said...

Yay!!!! Go Malka!!!

Poppyprint said...

Oh my goodness, I can't imagine. I would be hyperventilating for at least 24 hours. Have lots of fun creating with your very own fabric. I love that there are coordinating solids, I love the citrus cross-section-looking print and I love that Tammy is planning to stock it!!!

LT said...

Congratulations! What fun patterns and great colors!

Estela said...

Yes, congradulations! can't wait to see them in person.

Cheryl Arkison said...

Ooh, what a treat! Can't wait to see it all come together for you.

Laura said...

Oh my! I love your designs! They are fabulous! I can't wait!

Caroline @ Artfully Caroline said...

Gorgeous!! I Can't wait to "meet" your Moda fabric line in person :)

Sandy K. said...

I love Moda - and the thought of not just getting this much fabric at once...but fabric with your own design...a dream come true. I can't wait to see you creations and will definitely be back. Congratulations!

pklaw said...

Amazing! Looking forward to see what you create - but really looking forward to stash some for myself!

Sheetal said...

yay! congratulations Malka!

Anonymous said...

WoW! I LOVE all the colors! I want to make a few quilts using those fabrics!! I look forward to seeing all that you are going to do. Thanks for sharing!

patty a. said...

That's 200 yards of fabric to play with!!!!Have fun and
i look forward to see what you create!

Jennifer said...

I love this fabric. Congratulations!

Can't wait to get my hands on some in 2012.

Miranda said...

Wow! Your fabrics are beautiful! Congratulations!! Can't wait to see what you make with them.

anniem said...

I am in love...yes, with fabric. There must be a psych term for it , I don't care. I canNOT wait for this to hit the stores Malka it is simply refreshing and fun and new and I want some so bad. Must stay on fabric diet so i can treat myself when its available. You making a pillow for Thursday? Congrats girl you done did good.

Anonymous said...

Totally gorgeous, Malka! I don't know which I love more - the prints or the solids.

I'd be spinning in circles with that much wonderful fabric! How will you ever decide where to start? :)

suemac said...

Very nice fabric. You must be in seventh heaven.

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a feast for the eyes! Can't wait to see what you make.

slaint said...

Congrats Malka!! I am so excited for you.. you have so many amazing projects and things going on. lots of love to you from India. xo

Kristin L said...

Lookin' good! I think I'd make a Fish Baby quilt first, but that's just me. Have fun getting drunk off your fabrics!

KeyQuilter said...

Great line. I'll be looking forward to seeing the projects and the fabrics!

Laurie Wisbrun | Scarlet Fig said...

Oh Malka!!! I'm so excited for you. CONGRATULATIONS!!! I can't wait to get some for myself. So happy for you!!!

Heather A said...

So beautiful! I'm already picking out favourites and will look forward to seeing your finished projects for inspiration.

I'll bet you can't stop looking at them ... and running your hands over them. I'll bet you look at them just before you go to bed at night. I do that with my stash and none of those are my own designs!

Jeannette said...

Fantastic! I love the colors. So fresh!

Katherine said...

How exciting! All that gorgeous fabric would have me feeling a bit intoxicated too, Malka. Congrats on your first mass produced fabric line. It's glorious looking!

Andrea said...

Malka - What wonderful translations of your unique pattern language! I'm eagerly anticipating my own moment of intoxication when they become available. Congratulations!!

contactos en valencia said...

Wow, there is really much useful data here!

Kim said...

Beautiful, just beautiful!!!

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

I would definitely be fabric inebriated!

Rachel said...

I just scooped up your book "Color Your Cloth" today when I saw it at my local Half-Price Books and read the whole thing this afternoon. I'm convinced I'd love to get into dyeing, only it would be very difficult right now with two very young kiddos around.

And now, I just saw this post via True Up about your new collection. How nice to be able to use it for projects from the book to get the same look, without being able to dye for myself at the moment. I love that they are your signature prints that I've gotten from your Etsy shop before, only in smaller scale. Congratulations; the fabrics are splendid!

walker hall design said...

Malka...central Austin will represent! See you soon in Houston and job well done.

pinkebody said...

I'm so glad I have time to save up, because I want all of it!!

the Campfollower said...

All that fabric looks so pretty! The colors are s rich. Good luck sewing for market!

Joy Manoleros said...

O. M. G. I will NEED a yard of everything!

Dianne said...

What a fabulous line of fabrics, you must be very proud of yourself in addition to being a little tipsy as a result of an abundance of fabric delivered to your door! I have been contemplating revamping my fabric stash and this could propel me toward downsizing in anticpation of 2012 when I can upsize again with some of your line!!

Peggy A. said...

I Can't wait. Your fabrics are my absolute favorite.

Debbie said...

Sooo beautiful! Can't wait to see what you make....

JEllen said...

Love, Love, Love!!! There goes my January budget:)

elnorac said...

Oooooeeee! Absolutely gorgeous line! You must be so excited...

Your Creative Friends at the Calico House said...

We just ordered your entire fabric line A Stitch in color this past Monday for our shop in Nebraska. We can't wait for delivery. Love all the fun projects you are working on and we will be in Houston in October.

Quiltycat said...

Wonderful!...I can't wait to have them in my hands!