I made this 12x16" pillow cover to try out some different shapes. I've had this triangle for a long time and wanted to create this particular pattern. I've pieced windmill blocks and though it would be interesting to mimc that pattern in dye.

I reimagined my "Nate" pattern, but this time as a table runner. I hate to make things without some kind of purpose in mind, so this piece is destined for our new coffee table.
I hadn't originally planned on the white spaces in between the blocks, but when I haphazardly slapped the dyed and pieced squares on to my design wall I really liked the white in between, so I decided to incorporate that into the design.

Also new are these step-outs to demonstrate the process.
There is one piece I'm bringing that is about four years old and very special.

I made this quilt for my eldest girl when she was 13. I can't even remember how many hours I spent dyeing the squares in different color combinations. It was all worth it though. She loves it and uses it daily. In fact I asked her if I could borrow the quilt for the taping and she agreed. I pulled it off the bed and set it aside so that I could wash it and pick off dog hairs. I hadn't quite gotten to it yesterday, but when I went to retrieve it this afternoon she had put it back on her bed. I'm assuming that she didn't want to spend the night without if she didn't have to. That right there is the reason I make stuff.