Wednesday, February 26, 2014

What I'm Working on Wednesday:: Blog Hop Edition

Welcome wayfarers!
That's my alliterative way of saying hello to everyone here for the Moda Spell it With Fabric Blog Hop.
Two guesses as to what my letter is?
I love this letter. It's so graphic. I could see a piece of fabric patterned with Ws turned every which way. That and it starts off so many great words (like word) and waffles, wow, and weasel. I think I may wuv this letter.
Are you wild about it too?
Are you ready to make your own W?
Then check out this link for the easy to follow cutting and piecing instructions.
Here's a thought: would you like to win some fabric to help you make this or any of the other letters?
Maybe a huge pack of fat quarters from my latest collection, From Outside In?
Yes?! Cool. Then leave a comment and include at least one W word in you comment and you'll be entered in the drawing.
Also, don't forget to check out tomorrow's letters, here, here, and here.


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Maryjo said...

Wowser!!! You did a great job with the letter W! I love your new line and hope to pick some up. Have a Happy Day! I can see why Moda loves you!

Saira p said...

Wicked fabric choices - thanks for the chance!

CaroleM said...

Well, I would like to Win and Would celebrate with a glass of Wine and yell Woo hoo, WHile my Wee ones wonder what Mom is going on about. :)

Betty said...

Wow! Such pretty fabric!

nanci said...

Wow-Weezers! Would love to win your wondering fabrics..Thanks for the chance.

nanci said...

Wow-Weezers! Would love to win your wonderful fabrics! Thanks for the chance.

Tina V said...

WoW - Would I ever like to Win this Wonderful fabric! Thanks for the chance!!

Anonymous said...

Jan at
Would love to make something with your fabric. Thanks for the opportunity.

Lisa said...

What would it be like to WIN this bundle of fabric! WAWESOME!

Barbara said...

WHOLE package. Talented designers are able to bundle beautiful fabrics and colors so we can create a beautiful quilt that comes together to create the "whole package".

Terri U said...

It would be wonderful and awesome to win your prize.

Stitches said...

Wow, it's a Wonderful giveaway, Would love to Win it..thanks

TinksDaughter said...

Wonderific! Would love to Win!

Unknown said...

I Want to Win!!!

Jennifer said...

What a Wonderful opportunity! Your boyfriend quilt is a Wowza! too. Thanks for the opportunity.

Mrs Quinn said...

Well what a wonderful way to win. Love your fabric and thanks for the chance.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Wonderful, would love to welcome this fabric to my work space.

Karen said...

Way to go! Love the hop and your fabrics. Wonderful.

Joe and Julianne said...

I want to be a winner!

Heidi said...

I Wish our Windy Winter Would Walk aWay from us!!! I am ready for Spring!

memmens said...

Wow, what would I give to win this wonderful bundle? Weeks of washing? thanks for the chance!

Ruth said...

What sWell fabric! Love it!

Rina said...

I Wuv your post, and your fabric! Would it ever be Wonderful to Win! Thanks for the chance!

skystitching34 at gmail dot com

Rumi said...

These fabrics Will be Welcome to me! Thanks

Judith said...

I'm wild about those vibrant colours. They'd make a wonderful quilt. Thanks for the chance to win.

Susan said...

I live in Az. and wish our *winters* were a little 50ish. Thanks for the chance to win.

Laura said...

Your prize offering is Wonderful!! I Would be Wild with excitement if I were to Win!!!

Unknown said...

I so badly Want to Win, you have turned into my hero since I've discovered your blog last week

Emily Welsh said...

It would be Wonderful to Win! Thank you. :-)

Learn How To Make Quilts said...

Way of of the World Wonderful giveaway!!

chefpa said...

I am winter going to be over soon? Thanks for the chance to WIN!

Kathy said...

Wickedly beautiful!

RoseyToesRose said...

Wow! I'm Wishing I Will Win your Wonderful Wares. If I do, I'll be very Wary not to be Wasteful With your Wondrous fabrics.

Jo said...

Wow! What a wonderful giveaway! The colours are just so wonderful :)

Kathy L. said...

Such bright sunny colors. Makes me think of spring. Please count me in.


Liz said...

Wow-zer! Is that a word for your wonderful fabric?!!

Anonymous said...

Wow!! What a Wonderful giveaway. Thanks
Teresa Vicars

Judy1522 said...

Who would not want to win your wonderful fabric.

nanci said...

wow-weezers! What awesome fabric! Would love to Win!

nanci said...

Wow-Weezers! Would love to Win, your wonderful fabric!

Unknown said...

Oohh, I'd love to Win some of your Wonderfully cheerful-coloured fabric and hopefully whip up a quilt during a long Weekend holiday that's coming up in April!

Sarah said...

Wow I would love to win some fabric in the wonderful giveaway!

Unknown said...

Would love to Win this Wonderful prize! Thanks for your inspiration!

Judith said...

Emily C said...

I love a good giveaway and yours is perfect for this Wintery Weather. Nothing is better than working on a quilt when it is cold outside.

Mtclifford said...

Wow! What a Wonderful Wish come true! Thanks for the chance to Win!

jocaba said...

Wow! What wonderful winnings!

Kala said...

What fun it is Wondering about all the Wonderful all the Wonky Words that begin With W!!

Annmarie said...

Wonderful giveaway. Wouldn't I love to Win that bright cheery fabric bundle! Why yes!

Sonya said...

WOULD I ever love to win!

Lyn said...

Wow, I'd love to Win the fabric!

Lyn said...

Wow, I'd love to Win that Wonderful fabric!

Karen J said...

The colors are so bright - perfect for a baby quilt!

VickiT said...

Wow! What a Wonderful fabric collection. It is just perfect to brighten this never-ending Winter. It Would brighten my drab and dreary sewing room for sure.

Karen said...

What Wonderful colors! Thanks for the opportunity to Win.

Unknown said...

W is for the Whole package. The bundled fabrics lets me make a quilt that fits together perfectly and they are gorgeous.

Linda Cates said...

I Would be Wildly excited to Win some of your Wonderful fabric!

phegland said...

What wonderful word were you wishing would we would write? What a wonderful win this would be!

cakegirl said...

wow, what a wonderful giveaway! Thanks!

Unknown said...

I would love to win your new fabrics. They're wonderful!

Gudrun said...

Love the warm colors, enjoying the well-made quilts of the wonderful women (and men) who worked hard for this blog hop!

Texas Quilting Gal said...

WOW, What a wonderful winning! I especially love W since it's my last initial! I'm definitely going to be using this pattern! mrscwatson81 at Hotmail dot com

Texas Quilting Gal said...

WOW, What a wonderful winning! I especially love W since it's my last initial! I'm definitely going to be using this pattern! mrscwatson81 at Hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

I'm wincing at all of these whacked out comments. Why's everyone on the web sounding so weird?

Anonymous said...

Wow! Great blog post!

Kim said...

Wow, what wonderful fabric :) thanks.

Mama Said Sew said...

Wow! Wishing I will win!

KathleenD said...

It would be truly wonderful to win a bundle of your new fabric line! Thank you for your talent, inspiration and generosity! Wow!

Unknown said...

I love the bright colors in your fabric line. Wow would it be wonderful to win!

Yellow Bird Stitches said...

I think your fabric is wonderful and would love the chance to use more of it. And the W fits well with my family's names. (Why does auto correct want to change that to family snakes?!)

Lauraloves2quilt said...

WOW!!! What a beautiful line of fabric . . . I could definitely Work your Wonderful & Wild Woven Wonders into my World (and quilt too)!
Well Wishes to all,
Laura Lynch

Mara said...

WoW, I Would love a Whopper of FQ's.

hafza said...

Wow what a lovely bundle! Wish to Win this
Wonderful giveaway! Thanks for the chance:)

Miek Brouwer said...

Wat a lot of comments already.
Boy...I would love to win the fabric, I never used such happy fabric before.
I'm a reproducion girl...but not anymore if I win your beautiful fabric.
Greetings from Holland!

Marca said...

What wonderful fabric! My maiden name began with W as does Washington, the state my son will soon move to.

Annie said...

What a great way to wind up the wintery weekend with a wonderful giveaway! Thanks!

Cindy said...

Wanna win!!!

mathea said...

Warm, wonderful, winning wad. Want!

Angie said...

I hope I'm not too late for this giveaway. wow.

jill said...

What? yes i would love a huge pack of fabric to go wild with!

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